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[问题求助] UL2464 芯线可否用1015的芯线
P:2011-01-12 09:42:43
楼上几个兄弟没明白楼主的意思!楼主的意思是2464芯线用1015做为芯线,而且要在芯线上印1015的印字包括温度、档案号、电压工厂、燃烧等。正确的应该是可以使用1015做芯线也可以印字,但是不可以在印字里印额定温度105℃和90℃,只能印80℃。758标准的第12章中第一节明确规定:绝缘线芯不得标上比成品电缆额定温度更高的温度12 Cable Assembly12.1 Insulated conductors with different temperature ratings that are mixed in a given cable complies withthe intent of this requirement when the cable is rated for the lowest temperature rating of any of theconstituent insulated conductors. The insulated conductors shall not be marked with a temperature ratingthat is higher than that of the finished cable.
direct steam cure - 直接蒸气硫化 (3) 投诉
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