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[中高压力缆] 12/20KV电缆结构纵向阻水
P:2008-03-31 08:13:21
Longitudinal Protection from Moisture ingress
Tenderers are to include means of longitudinal protection to block moisture propagation longitudinally to the cable. The design and manufacturing shall be such so as the requirement of paragraph 19.22 of !EC 60502-2 is met and at the same time this insulation screen and copper wire screen are at an equipotential and the aluminium foil and copper-wire screen are at a galvanic contact. The use of swellable powder only shall not be accepted.
Radial Protection from moisture ingress
Tenderers are to include means for radial protection from moisture ingress. The protection shall be Aluminium foil tightly bonded to the PE sheath of minimum thickness of 0,