电线电缆网 > 通讯电缆 > 急!测试求助!(完整版)
急!测试求助! - 无图版
ssdyzxxn --- 2011-09-07 11:58:05
4.3 shield impedance and current capacity, for each 3 meter section of cable,the shield must be capable of withstanding 30 amps of current for 2 minutes with the impedance not exceeding 0.10 ohms.
4.3 shield impedance and current capacity, for each 3 meter section of cable,the shield must be capable of withstanding 30 amps of current for 2 minutes with the impedance not exceeding 0.10 ohms.
haibo022 --- 2011-09-07 12:28:07
这个我还真不清楚 抱歉