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电线电缆行业词汇中英文对照 - 无图版

saman4213 --- 2011-02-28 09:12:06


电缆及设备安装程序PACE(program for arrangement of cables and equipment)


用浮筒把电缆拉上海岸 tofloat a cable ashore

浅海电缆、岸边电缆shallow water cable

浅海电缆、岸边电缆shallow-water cable

三聚氰胺石棉塑料asbestos filled melamine plastics

磺胺类药物 sulfa

磺胺类药 sulfadrug

直焊性聚酰亚胺漆包铜圆线solderable polyesterimide enamelled round copper wire

聚酰胺 polyamide

聚酰胺漆包线polyamide enamelled wire

聚酰胺-(酰)亚胺 polyamide-imide

聚酰胺-(酰)亚胺漆包铜圆线 polyamide-imide enamelled round copper wire

聚酰胺-酰亚胺漆包线 polyamide-imide enamelledwire

聚酰胺-酰亚胺浸渍漆 polyamide-imide impregnatingvarnish

聚酰胺纤维polyanide fiber


聚酰亚胺漆包铜扁线polyesterimide enamelled rectangular copper wire

聚酰亚胺漆包铝圆线polyesterimide enamelled round aluminium wire

聚酰亚胺/聚酰胺复合漆包铝圆线 polyesterimide enamelledround aluminium wire overcoated with polyamide

聚酰亚胺漆包铜圆线polyesterimide enamelled round copper wire

聚酰亚胺/聚酰胺复合漆包铜圆线 polyesterimide enamelledround copper wire overcoated with polyamide

聚酰亚胺漆包线polyesterimide enamelled wire

聚酰亚胺/聚酰胺复合漆包铝圆线 polyesterimide overcoatedwith polyamide-imide enamelled round aluminium wire

聚酰亚胺/聚酰胺复合漆包铜圆线 polyesterimide overcoatedwith polyamide-imide enamelled round coper wire

聚酰亚胺涂层光纤polyimide coated optical fiber

聚酰亚胺漆包铜扁线polyimide enamelled rectangular copper wire

聚酰亚胺漆包铜圆线polyimide enamelled round copper wire

聚酰亚胺漆包线polyimide enamelled wire

聚酰亚胺薄膜polyimide film

尼龙、酰胺纤维 nylon

金属包层芳族聚酰胺纤维metal-clad aramid fiber





二基乙酰胺DMA(dimethyl acetamide)

地表凹陷、地面下沉subsidence of ground

凹口试杆冲击试验notched bar impact test

有凹槽的 fluted

凹陷半径 dipradius

凹状梯度折射率光纤、凹形渐变折射率光纤 dipped graded-index fiber

牙、槽、凹陷 dent

凹陷型包复depressed clad

深凹陷内包层光纤depressed cladding fiber

凹陷深度 depth ofpip

粉末涂敷 powdercoating

流化床涂敷fluidized bed coating

十八盘两段卧式绞线成缆机18-bobbin 2-cage horizontal wire stranding and laying-up machine

十八盘绞笼 18-bobbin bay

模湿式拉丝机、八模湿拉机wet drawing machine with 8 dies

星绞八芯软电缆spiral-eight cable

扭绞八芯电缆、对绞四线组电缆、双四线组电缆 quad pair cable

八芯光纤连接器eight-ways optical fiber connector

摆杆式拉线机 dancerarm drawing machine

摆杆 dancerrocker arm

并列摆动分线板coordinated oscillating face plate

柱式荡轮、柱式荡轮式储线器、舞摆[动盘]式储线器 column-type dancer accumulator

在...支配或摆布下 at the mercy of

半导电膨胀阻水层semi-conducting moisture swelling layer

半导体釉semmiconducting glaze

半导电漆semiconductive varnish


半空气绝缘电缆semi-air space cable

半退火铝导体semi-annealed aluminium conductor

半自动电缆绝缘剥除机semi-automatic cable de-insulating machine

半自动电缆测量装置semi-automatic cable measuring system

半自动收线装置semi-automatic take-up

半自动双盘收线装置semi-automatic twin take-up


半导体丁基橡胶带semi-conducting butyl tape

半导体混合物semi-conducting compound

半导体护套semi-conducting jacket

半导电层、半导体层semi-conducting layer

半导体尼龙 semi-conductingnylon tape

半导体橡胶semi-conducting rubber

半导体屏蔽semi-conducting screen

半导体带semi-conducting tape

半导体漆semi-conducting varnish


半导体混合物semi-conductive compound

半导电线芯semi-conductive core

半导体层、半电导电层semi-conductive layer

半导体屏蔽、半导电屏蔽semi-conductive screen


半导体层、半电导电层semi-conductor layer

半连续铸锭机semi-continuous casting machine

半连续铸锭semi-continuous ingot casting

半硫化 semi-cure

半成品semi-cylindrical conductor

半圆形导体semi-finished product

半硬铝线 semi-rigidaluminium wire

半硬同轴电缆semi-rigid coaxial cable

半塞止式接头盒semi-stop joint

半切线式纸包头[绕包头] semi-tangential lapper

半切线式纸包头[绕包头] semi-tangential lapping head


半圆形导体semicircular conductor

半导体 semicon

半导体材料挤出机semicon extruder


半导体交联聚乙烯semiconducting crosslinked polyethylene

半导体材料semiconducting material

半导体纸、半导电纸semiconducting paper

半导电层、半导体层semiconductive layer

半导体纸、半导电纸semiconductive paper


半导体材料semiconductor material

半硬铝线 semihard-drawnaluminium .


半[准]导体 semi(quasi)-conductor

半径损耗 radiiloss


中间[半成品]线材、非银亮线材 process wire

外部曲率半径 outercurvature radius

外半导电层 outersemi-conducting layer

纤芯半径失配损耗mismatch-off-core-radii loss

电缆转弯的曲率半径与电缆平均直径、节径比、节距比 lay ratio

内半径电层 innersemi-conducting layer

中间[半成品、过程]线材 intermediate wire

半双工 halfduplex

半扭绞结构 halftwist structure

半硬铝线 half-hardaluminium wire

半硬铜线 half-hardcopper wire

动物)半冬眠 half-hibernate

半圆黄铜带half-round brass strip

半波导线 half-waveconductor


(扇形线芯的)弯曲半径、棱角半径 edgeradius


临界半径 criticalradius

线芯半径 coreradius

扇形线芯的)棱角半径、弯边半径 corner radius

弯曲半径 bendingradius

允许弯曲半径allowable bending radius

铜芯或铝芯半导体屏蔽聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套电缆 Lyonithene cable

金属氧化物半导体MOS(metal-oxide semiconductor)

最小弯曲半径Min.bending radius

作用半径R/A(radius of action)

电平(全)带宽、半最大值处(全)带宽 FWHM(full width at half maximum)

无纬绑扎带unidrectional binding tape

紧绑 swathe


圈线压紧绑扎机 rodcoil compacting-tying machine

捆、扎、绑、连接 lace

场控金属线绑扎field-controlling wire binding

场控金属线绑扎filed-controlling wire binding

电缆绑结 cablestitching

捆绑、包扎、装钉 bind

绑扎 binder tape

捆绑(物) binding

绑轧绳、捆绑绳binding yarn

包装 packaging


灌注 potting

密度 Density

十六锭高速编织机16-carrier high-speed braiding machine

双面双层十六头纱包机16-head double-side douoble-rosette cotton covering machine)

漆包 enamelling

立式四头包带机 4-headvertical tape lapping machine

盘纸包机 412-sheetpaper lapping machine

绕包带 taping

金属焊丝惰性气体保护焊MIG(Metal-Inert Gas) welding

聚酯漆包线漆polyester wire enamel

包封胶 埋封胶 encapsulating compound embadding compound

漆包线漆 wireenamel

成圈机)包扎机 wire coil wrapping machine

线(材)绕包 wire covering

线材绕包机 wirecovering machine

漆包线漆 wireenamel

单纱包线 wireinsulated with single cotton yarn sewings

材线包装 wirepackaging

铅包钢丝铠装、铅(护)套加钢丝铠装 wire-reinforced lead sheath


披肩 wrap

绕包屏蔽 wrappedscreen

绕包机 wrapper

包装材料 wrapping

绕包方向 wrappingdirection

绕包机 wrappingmachine

钢带绕包 wrappingof steel tape

绕包车间 wrappingworkshop

纱包头 yarncovering head

纱包机 yarnwrapping machine

纱包头yarn-spinning head

立式笼型包带机、立式笼型绕[纸]包机 vertical cage lapper

立式笼型包带机、立式笼型绕[纸]包机 vertical cage type lapping machine

立式漆包炉 verticalenamelling oven

立式绕[纸]包机、立式包带机 vertical lapping machine

立式包带机 verticaltaping machine

涂蜡纱包线 waxedcotton covered wire

双层编包风雨线weatherproof double braid

无包层光纤 uncladfiber

通用绕包机universal wrapping machine

无包套光纤 unjackedoptical fiber

无磁性漆包铜圆线unmagnetic enamelled round copper wire

深漆玻璃丝包铜线varnish-bonded glass-lapped copper conductor

浸漆玻璃丝包铜扁线varnish-treated glass-fibre covered rectangular copper wire

漆包线 varnishedwire

三包层光纤 tripleclad fiber

三层纱包的 triplecotton-covered

十二头三层绕包机triple covering machine with 12 individual heads

三层环氧漆包圆铜电磁线triple epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire


三层丝包线 triplexsilk covered wire

三层绕包线 triplycovered wire

三涂层[三包层]光纤 triply-coated fiber

挤包绝缘或护套 tubing


挤包实体绝缘三芯电缆three-core cable with extruded solid insulation

分相铅套[铅包]电缆 three-core single lead sheath cable

紧包光纤、紧套光纤tight (coated) fiber

紧包缓冲套 tightbuffer jacket

紧包保护光纤 tightprotected fiber

紧包结构<光缆的> tight structure

紧包光纤 tightlypackaged fiber

紧包的 tightlywrapped

紧包光纤tightly-buffered fiber

镀锡铜包钢线tin-caoted copper-clad steel wire


镀[挂、包]锡 tin-coating

镀[挂、包]锡 tinning

螺旋式绕包 to applyhelically

螺旋式绕包 to applyspirally

挤压[挤包]铅护套、压铅 to apply the lead sheath

用纸绳绕包 to applythe paper string

用纸绳绕包 to spinthe paper string

拉线漆包机组 tandemwire drawing and enamelling line

切线式绕[纸]包机 tangential lapper

切线式纸包头[包带头] tangential lapping head

切线式绕包机tangential paper lapping machine

切线式绕包机tangential type lapping machine

带、条 tape

带(状)绝缘、绕包绝缘 tape insulation

包带头、包带机 tapelapper

包带头 tapelapping head

包带机 tapelapping machine

包带式 tape type

带包绝缘导体 tapewrapped conductor

带包式电容锥tape-wrapped type condenser cone

绕包层 tapedcovering

内绕包层 tapedinner covering

带(状)绝缘、绕包绝缘 taped insulation

绕包型接头 tapedjoint

绕包式电缆终端头、绕包终端taped termination

带绕包、包带 tapedwrapping



包带头、带包头 tapinghead

包带机 tapingmachine

包带点 tapingpoint

包带装置 tapingunit

包带节距 tappingpitch

包带速度 tappingspeed

电话线芯[话缆]包带机 telephone core taping machine

丝包束合漆包铜线textile -covered bunched enamelled copper wire

绳绕包 stringspinning

绳绕包机、绕绳机 stringspinning machine

包含、包摄 subsume

合成漆包线synthetic enamel wire

钢带绕包头 steeltape spinner

钢带绕包头 steeltaping head

绞线纸包联合机stranding and paper lapping machine

绞合回转弓(绕包头) stranding flyer

直焊性聚酰亚胺漆包铜圆线solderable polyesterimide enamelled round copper wire

直焊性聚氨脂漆包铜圆线solderable polyurethane enamelled round copper wire

溶剂粘接直焊性漆包线solvent bonding self-fluxing enamelled wire

绳、纱、丝、麻)绕包头 spining head


纸带(绕包)绝缘 spiral strip paper insulation

螺旋形绕包 spiralwrap

螺旋式绕包机 spiralwrapping machine


有外护套层的卷边纵包金属护套布线电缆 sheathed metal-clad wiring cable

挤[包]护套、护套 sheathing

护套挤包设备sheathing equipment

屏蔽(层)、包屏蔽 shielding

屏蔽包制机shielding machine

包围、围攻 siege

石英包层光纤 silicacladded fiber

有机硅漆包线 siliconenamelled wire

硅酮包层光纤silicone-clad silica fiber

纱(编)丝包线 silk and cotton covered wire

丝包机 silkcovering machine

丝包机 silkwrapping machine

丝包机 silk yarncovered wire

丝包铜线silk-covered copper conductor

丝包软线silk-covered cord

丝包圆铜电磁线silk-covered round copper magnet wire

丝包线 silk-coveredwire

镀银铜包钢线silver-coated copper-clad steel wire

镀银铜包钢(导)线silver-plated copperweld conductor

挤包实体绝缘单芯电缆single cable with extruded solid insulation

单纱包的 singlecotton covered

单纱包漆包线 singlecotton covered enamel wire

单纱包线 singlecotton covered wire

单纱双丝包(的) single cotton double silk covered

单层环氧漆包圆铜电磁线single epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire

单玻璃丝包漆包圆线single glass-fiber covered enamelled round wire

单头单位式纸包机single head unit type paper insulating machine

单丝包线 singlesilk covered wire

单丝包漆包线 singlesilk enamel covered wire

单包层光纤single-coated fiber

单纱包机single-cotton covering machine

单(层)纱包漆包线 single-cotton enamel

单层纸包圆铜电磁线single-paper-covered round copper magnet wire

单丝包的single-silk covered

单丝包机single-silk covering machine

单丝漆包single-silk enamel

书包 schoolbag

密封绕包 sealingwrap

金属护套的无缝挤包、无缝护包金属护套 seamless extrusion of metal sheaths

自粘直焊漆包线self-bonding and self-fluxing enamelled wire

自粘直焊漆包线self-bonding solderable enamelled wire

自粘直焊漆包线self-fluxing and self-bonded enamelled wire

直焊性漆包铜圆线self-fluxing enamelled round copper wire

直焊性漆包线self-fluxing enamelled wire

直焊性聚氨酯漆包铜圆线self-fluxing polyurethane enammelled round copper wire

半切线式纸包头[绕包头] semi-tangential lapper

半切线式纸包头[绕包头] semi-tangential lapping head

绕包头、旋转式浮拉器 rotatingflier

橡皮绝缘编包线rubber-covered braided

橡皮绝缘编包风雨线rubber-covered braided\weather-proof

橡皮绝缘双层编包线rubber-covered double braided

三明治(夹心面包片) sandwich

多层绕包的(电缆)外护层 sandwich covering

线盘包装机 reelpacking machine

误差率、误码率、(漆包线的)针孔数 reeor rate

加固带绕包头 reinforcementtape spinner


四层聚酯漆包扁铜电磁线quadruple polyester-coated rectangular copper magnet wire

人造丝包铜线rayon-covered copper conductor

浇包、铸勺、浇铸桶pouring ladle


挤包绝缘电力电缆 powercable with extruded insulation

漆包线漆膜针孔 pinholeof insulation of enamelled wire

油性漆包线漆 plainenamel

平面式绕包头[纸包头] plane lapping head

平面式绕包机 planetype lapping machine

塑料薄膜包线 plasticfilm covered wire

塑料包覆光纤、塑料包层光纤plastic-clad fiber

聚酰胺漆包线polyamide enamelled wire

聚酰胺-(酰)亚胺漆包铜圆线 polyamide-imide enamelled round copper wire

聚酰胺-酰亚胺漆包线 polyamide-imide enamelledwire

聚酯漆包铜扁线polyester enamelled rectangular copper wire

聚酯漆包线polyester enamelled wire

聚酯漆包扁铜电磁线polyester-coated rectangular copper magnet wire

聚酯漆包圆铜电磁线polyester-coated round copper magnet wire

聚酯漆包矩形铜电磁线polyester-coated square copper magnet wire

聚酯玻璃丝包扁铜电磁线polyester-glass-fiber-covered rectangular copper magnet wire

聚酯玻璃丝包圆铜电磁线polyester-glass-fiber-covered round copper magnet wire

聚酯玻璃丝包矩形铜电磁线polyester-glass-fiber-covered square copper magnet wire

聚酰亚胺漆包铜扁线polyesterimide enamelled rectangular copper wire

聚酰亚胺漆包铝圆线polyesterimide enamelled round aluminium wire

聚酰亚胺/聚酰胺复合漆包铝圆线 polyesterimide enamelledround aluminium wire overcoated with polyamide

聚酰亚胺漆包铜圆线polyesterimide enamelled round copper wire

聚酰亚胺/聚酰胺复合漆包铜圆线 polyesterimide enamelledround copper wire overcoated with polyamide

聚酰亚胺漆包线polyesterimide enamelled wire

聚酰亚胺/聚酰胺复合漆包铝圆线 polyesterimide overcoatedwith polyamide-imide enamelled round aluminium wire

聚酰亚胺/聚酰胺复合漆包铜圆线 polyesterimide overcoatedwith polyamide-imide enamelled round coper wire

字形绕包聚乙烯护套polyethylene sheath of figure-8 formation

聚酰亚胺漆包铜扁线polyimide enamelled rectangular copper wire

聚酰亚胺漆包铜圆线polyimide enamelled round copper wire

聚酰亚胺漆包线 polyimideenamelled wire

聚合物包层光纤polymer-clad fiber

聚硅氧烷包层光纤polysiloxane cladding fiber

聚砜及聚缩醛漆包线polysulfone and polyacetal-coated wire

聚氨酯漆包线polyurethane enamelled wire

聚氨酯漆包圆铜电磁线polyurethane-coated round copper magnet wire

聚氨酯-尼龙丝包圆铜电磁线 polyurethane-nylon-coatedround copper magnet wire

缩醛漆包铜扁线polyvinyl acetal enamelled rectangular copper wire

缩醛漆包铝圆线polyvinyl acetal enamelled round aluminium wire

缩醛漆包铜圆线polyvinyl acetal enamelled round copper wire

缩醛漆包线polyvinyl formal enamelled wire

高强度缩醛漆包铜圆线polyvinyl-formal enamelled round copper wire with high mechanical properties

缩醛漆包线polyvinylacetal enamelled wire

包装 packaging

包装等级 packaginglevel

包装机 packagingmachine

包装用线盘packaging reel

包装标准 packagingstandard


纸包机 papare coveringmachine

纸包扁铜绕组线 papercovered rectangular copper winding wire)

纸包扁线 papercovered rectangular wire

纸包圆线 papercovered round wire

纸包头 papercovering head

纸包机 papercovering machine

纸包头 paperlapper

纸(带绕)包 paper lapping

纸包纱包联合机 paperlapping and cotton covering machine

纸包头 paperlapping head

纸包机 paperlapping machine

纸包工序 paperlapping operation

纸带(绕包)绝缘 paper ribbon insulation

纸带(绕包)绝缘 paper tape insulating

纸包 papertaping

纸包机 papertaping machine

纸包头 paperwrapping head

纸铝箔纵包机 paper-aluminium-foilapplicator

漆包纸绝缘电缆[电磁线] paper-core enamelled type cable

纸包铜线paper-covered copper conductor

纸包扁铜电磁线paper-covered rectangular copper magnet wire

纸包圆铜电磁线paper-covered round copper magnet wire

纸包矩形铜电磁线paper-covered square copper magnet wire

纸包线paper-covered wire

纸绝缘铅包的paper-insulated lead covered

纸包头 papperlapper

无磁性漆包线non-magnetic enamelled wire

非组合包套nonintegral jacket

漆包层数 number ofenamel coats

缺陷数、(漆包线)、针孔数 number of faults

尼龙丝包圆铜电磁线nylon-fiber-covered round copper magnet wire

油基漆、油性漆包线漆oil-base enamel

油性漆包线 oleoresinous enamelled wire

油性漆包线oleo-resin enamelled wire

油树脂漆、油性漆包线漆oleoresinous enamel

油树脂漆、油性漆包线漆oleoresinous varnish

疏绕、间隙绕包 openlapping

正反向绕包、正反向绞合opposite-direction lapping

松包光纤光缆 opticalfiber cable with fibers loosely packaged

紧包光纤光缆 opticalfiber cable with fibers tightly packaged

挤包实体绝缘多芯电缆multicore cable for extruded solid insulation

多头同心包带机multiple head concentric taping machine

(漆包机的)导轮组 multiplesheave

镍包铜线、镀镍铜线nickel coated copper conductor

镀镍铜线、镍包铜线nickel-clad copper wire

镀镍铜线、镍包铜线nickel-coated copper wire

镀镍铜包钢线nickel-coated copper-clad steel wire 包层不圆度 non-circularity of cladding

用金属包 metal

金属包覆导体 metalclad conductor

金属包覆层 metalcover layer

金属包层 metalcovering

金属包层芳族聚酰胺纤维metal-clad aramid fiber

金属包覆电缆metal-clad cable

金属包覆导体metal-clad conductor

卷边纵包金属护套布线电缆metal-clad wiring cable

金属包带 metalliccover tape

改性聚酯漆包铜圆线modified polyester enamelled round copper wire

低损耗 FEP

包层石英光纤 lowloss FEP-clad silica fiber


电磁线、漆包线 magnetwire

匹配包层光纤 matchedcladding fiber

月牙板式钢带绕包头link-type tape wrapping head

单层纸 simplexpaper

单层滚筒七头拉线机single deck 7 heads type machine

单层环氧漆包圆铜电磁线single epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire

单层金属编织机 singletier type wire braiding machine


单层电缆single-layer cable

单层绞线single-layer strand

单层纸包圆铜电磁线single-paper-covered round copper magnet wire

单层纸 single-plypaper

单层纸single-wire paper

单层 monolayer

钢带铠装电缆 tapearmoured cable

钢带铠装 steeltape armour

钢带铠装电缆 steel tapearmoured cable

钢带铠装 steeltape armouring

钢带铠装机 steeltape armouring machine

钢带铠装电缆steel-tape armoured cable



内钢带铠装电缆internal steel-tape armoured cable

双钢带铠装 double tapearmour

双层钢带铠装 doublelayer of steel-tape armour(d.s.t.a.)

涂层钢带铠装电缆coated steel tape armoured

钢带铠装电缆band-armoured cable

单螺杆挤出机 singlescrew extruder

焦烧、早期硫化(挤出机筒内) scorching(in extrudercylinder)

螺杆式挤出机 screwextruder

半导体材料挤出机semicon extruder

挤出头、压力模座 pressblock

压力型多层一次挤出模pressure-type coextrusion die

分段式挤出机piggyback extruder

行星齿轮式挤出机planetary gear extruder

(塑料)挤出机plastic extruder

制粒挤出机pelletising extruder

(挤出机)斜角机头 obliquehead

单段式挤出机one-stage extruder

光缆护套挤出生产线optical cable sheathing line

多色挤出机multi-colour extruder

多层挤出机multi-layer extruder

多级[多段]式挤出机 multi-stage extruder

多根挤出法multi-wire insulation process

多头挤出装置multiline extrusion system

多层挤出 multipleextrusion

(挤出机)螺杆的计量区metering section of a screw


混炼、排气、挤出联合机 mixing,venting and extruding machine

标色挤出机 markingextruder

铅管挤出机lead-pipe extrusion press

内皮挤出机 innerskin extruder

绝缘机头、挤出机头insulating machine head

高效挤出机 highoutput extruder

高速挤出生产流水线 highspeed tandemized extrusion line

高发泡挤出high-foaming extrusion

高发泡挤出生产线high-foaming extrusion line

高速挤出生产流水线high-speed tandemized extrusion line

卧式挤出机horizontal axis extruder

卧式挤出机horizontal extrusion press

热挤出 hotextrusion

热挤出用润滑剂 hotextrusion lubricant

静液(压)挤出 hydrostatic extrusion

模芯导向器(挤出机模子) guider tip

注气体挤出机gas-injection extruder

铅管挤出机lead-pipe extrusion press

内皮挤出机 innerskin extruder

绝缘机头、挤出机头insulating machine head

高效挤出机 highoutput extruder

高速挤出生产流水线 highspeed tandemized extrusion line

高发泡挤出high-foaming extrusion

高发泡挤出生产线high-foaming extrusion line

高速挤出生产流水线high-speed tandemized extrusion line

卧式挤出机horizontal axis extruder

卧式挤出机horizontal extrusion press

热挤出 hotextrusion

热挤出用润滑剂 hotextrusion lubricant

静液(压)挤出 hydrostatic extrusion

模芯导向器(挤出机模子) guider tip

注气体挤出机gas-injection extruder

泡沫挤出生产线 foamextrusion line

泡沫绝缘挤出 foaminsulation extrusion

前端驱动挤出机front-end drive extruder

光纤松套管-紧包缓冲层挤出生产线 fiber-optic loosetube-tight buffer

出线区、挤出区 exitzone

挤出机 extr.



挤出物温度extrudate temperaturev

挤出[压、包、制] extrude

挤出[压、包、制]的 extruded

挤出型绝缘电缆extruded cable

挤出型绝缘电缆extruded dielectric cable


挤出机筒体 extruderbarrel

挤出机机筒内径extruder bore

直角挤出机头extruder crosshead

挤出(机)模具 extruder dies

挤出(机)头 extruder head

挤出机挤出量extruder output

挤出机螺杆 extruderscrew

挤出[制、包、压] extruding

挤出机 extrudingmachine

挤出[制、包、压] extrusion

挤出模具 extrusiondie

挤出(机)模具 extrusion dies

挤出涂漆法extrusion enamelling process

挤出发泡 extrusionfoaming

挤出发泡法extrusion foaming method

挤出(机)头 extrusion head

挤出指数 extrusionindex

挤出生产线速度extrusion line speed

挤出压力 extrusionpressure

挤出[压、包、制]方法 extrusion process

挤出工艺 extrusionprocessing

挤出性能 extrusionproperty

挤出量、挤出速度[量] extrusion rate

挤出(机)螺杆 extrusion screw

挤出技术、挤出工艺extrusion technology

挤出温度 extrusiontemperature

挤出机模芯extrusion tip

挤出模具 extrusiontool

挤出速度 extrusionvelocity

挤出轮 extrusionwheel

有壳挤出 extrusionwith shell

无壳挤出 extrusionwithout shell

(漆包线的)挤出涂漆法 emailexmethod

(漆包线的)挤出涂漆法 emailexprocess

双螺杆挤出机 doublescrew extruder

双层挤出(机)头 double(extruder)head

双层一次挤出(法) double-layer coating co-extrusion

双层挤出(机)头 double-layer extrusion head

双层挤出(机)头 dual (extruder) head

双层挤出机 dualextruder

非连续性挤出discontinuous extrusion

双层直角挤出机头double layer crosshead

挤出机机头口型 dielips

挤出机机头口型间隙 dielips gap

(控制)压力挤出法controlled pressure extrusion

粉末涂敷 powdercoating

室温固化 coldcuring cold setting

十八盘两段卧式绞线成缆机18-bobbin 2-cage horizontal wire stranding and laying-up machine2/2

芯单段成缆机2/2-core single cage laying-up machinev

成缆、布[配]线、敷设电缆[线] wire

未成缆光纤 uncabledfiber

绞线成缆联合机stranding and laying-up machine

单节距成缆机 singletwist cabler

单节距[单绞式]成缆机 single-twist cabling machine

刚性成缆机 rigidcabling machine

行星式成缆机planetary cabler

行星式成缆机planetary cabling machine

行星式成缆机planetary laying-up machine

行星式成缆机planetary-type cabling machine

光纤成缆技术 opticalfiber laying-up technology

成缆角 layingangle

绞缆、成缆、线芯绞合、敷设laying up

盘式成缆机 layingup drum twister

成缆工段 laying upsection

成缆 laying-up

成缆和包带生产线laying-up and taping line

成缆角 laying-upangle

成缆机、线芯绞合机laying-up machine

成缆操作、成缆工序laying-up operation

成缆用盘 laying-upreel

重型电缆敷设装置、重型成缆设备 heavy cabling equipment

双节距成缆机double-twist cabling machine

双绞式[双节距]成缆机 double-twist flyer-type high-speed stranding machine

双绞式[双节距]成缆机 double-twist strander/laying-up machine

盘式成缆机 drumcabling machine

盘绞式成缆机 drumtwister laying-up machine

盘绞式成缆机 drumtwister type cabling machine

盘绞式成缆机 drumtwisting assembling machine

盘绞式绞线机、盘绞式成缆机drum twisting machine

线芯绞合、绞缆、成缆core stranding

全套挤塑-成缆生产线 complete extrusion-cablingline

成缆材料、包覆材料cladding material


成缆机cable-laying-up machine

成缆构件 cabled complement

成缆光纤 cabledoptical fiber

成缆(后)包带 cabled tape


成缆、成缆、电线敷设、布线、电缆敷设 cabling

成缆损耗 cablingabsorption

成缆工段 cablingdepartment

成缆设备、布线设备cabling equipment

成缆机 cablingmachine

成缆放装置 cablingpay-off

成缆工艺 cablingprocessv

电缆 cable

弓式成缆机 bowcabling machine

弓式成缆机 bow typestranding machine

绞缆机、成缆机assembling machineSZ

绞成缆机 SZcabling machineSZ

绞合机、左右绞合机、 SZ

成缆机 SZstrander

电缆填充 cablefilling


凡士林填充市话电缆vaseline filled local cable

电缆内壁填充剂[物] wall cable filler

填料、填充、塞入 stuffing

填料[填充]法 stuffing process

浇注温度、填充温度pouring temperature

粉沫填充电缆 powderfilled cable

压力填充 pressureexcited filling

聚乙烯填充物polyethylene filler

聚丙烯填充绳polypropylene filler yarn

石油膏填充petrojelly filling

石蜡油填充聚乙烯绝缘电缆petrolatum-filled polyethylene-insulated cable

石油膏填充物、石油膏填充器petroleum jelly cable filler

石油膏填充petroleum jelly filling

非导电填充物non-conductive filler

矿物填充交联聚乙烯mineral filled crosslinked polyethylene

填充物、填料 loadingmaterial

膏状物填充松管光纤loose tube optical fiber filled with jelly

石油膏填充塑料电缆jelly filled plastic cable

石油膏填充设备jelly-filling equipment

麻填料、填充麻 jutefiller

内填充(料) inner filler

内填充(护套)料[混合物] innerfilling compound

内填充护套 innerfilling sheath

无填充料 inorganicfiller

填充包套联合生产线integrated filling and sheathing line

填充四线组、间充四线组interstitial quad

高填充胶料highly-extended compound

润滑脂填充线芯grease-filled core

全[连续]填充电缆、纵向密封电缆 fully filled cable

光缆填充机 fiberoptic cable filling machine

填充系数 fillfactor

填充系数、占体率 fillin ratio

填充线芯导线fill-core conductor

填充系数、占体率fill-in ratio

填充电缆 filledcable

填充用户电缆 filledservice cable

填充[封]物、填料、填芯 filler

填充剂 fillercompound

非填充电缆、无填充电缆fillerless cable


填充复合物、填料、填充剂、填充混合物、浇注料、浇注剂 filling compound

填充机 fillingmachine

填充材料 fillingmaterial

填充温度、浇注温度filling temperature

挤包内护层、内填充护套extruded inner covering

环氧填充密封端 epoxyfilled sealing end

连续[全]填充电缆、纵向密封电缆 continuously filled cable

色标聚乙烯石油膏填充电话电缆color coded polyethylene jelly filled cable

石油膏填充粘结护套联合设备combined petro-jelly filling and bonded sheath equipment

填充率 compactionratev


电缆填充剂cable-filling compound

电缆填充设备cable-filling plant

中心填充物 centerfiller

中心填充物、填芯centre filler

电缆填充、电缆占用率、电缆填充率、电缆线对利用率 cable fill

电缆填充 cablefilling

电缆填充装置 cablefilling applicator

电缆填充设备 cablefilling equipment

电缆填充机 cablefilling machine

电缆填充麻 cablefilling yarn

电缆填充用油膏、电缆填充油膏cable jelly


色标聚乙烯石油膏填充CCP-JF(color code polyethylene-jelly filled)

扁平编织线 flatbraid

编织 braiding

浇铸〔流延〕 casting

涂敷 coating


耐磨性 AbrasionResistance

电缆放线车 wheelcable drum carriage

放线车 wirebarrow

放线转台[转盘] wire pay-off turntable


立式越端放线架vertical flyer pay-off frame

垂直升降式收、放线装置vertical lift pay-off and take-up

轨道滑动式放线装置walk-through pay-off


退扭放线装置untwisting pay-off system

退绕[放线]装置 unwinding device

移动式龙门收、放线架travelling drum take-up and pay-off stand in port

移动式龙门收、放线架travelling drum take-up and pay-off stand in portal execution

行走式放线装置travelling pay-off

行走式放线架travelling pay-off stand

双头立式放线架 twinheaded swift

放线(装置) take-off

放线架[装置] take-off stand

收放线(装置) take-up and pay-off

张力控制放线装置tension controlled pay-off

供方、承制厂、放线装置、交货方、制造厂 supplier

放线盘 supplybobbin

放线牵引轮 supplycapstan

放线架 supplyframe

放线盘 supplyreel

放线架[装置] supply stand


固定放线装置stationary pay-off

固定式放线架stationary pay-off stand

固定式收放线架 stationarytake-up and pay-off stand

成捆或成筒放线装置stempack or drumpack pay-off system

圈式放线装置、捆式放线装置stempack pay-off

越端放线的刚性架绞线机spin-off rigid-frame strander

无轴式恒定张力放线装置shaft type constant tension pay-off

无轴式恒定张力放线装置shaftless constant tension pay-off

无轴式放线设备 shaftlesspay-off equipment

无轴式放线系统shaftless pay-off system

单头立式放线架 singleheaded swift

单盘放线装置 singlereel pay-off

转盘式放线装置 ringflyer

旋转放线装置 rotarypay-off

锥形旋转放线架rotating cone

旋转放线装置rotating pay-off

放线装置 re-reeler

门式放线架[装置] portal type pay-off

门式放线架 portal-typepay-off stand

放线(装置) pay off

放线人工控制速度 payoff manual speed control

放线装置 pay-ins

放线储线器、放线储存器pay-off accumulator

组合放线装置 pay-offand bank

收、放线装置 pay-offand take-up

收、放线设备 pay-offand take-up equipment

组合放线装置 pay-offbank

放线盘 pay-offdrum

放线架、放线框 pay-offframe

放线导轮架 pay-offguid sheave stand

放线机 pay-offmachine

放线平衡器 pay-offneutralizer

放线架 pay-offrack

放线盘 pay-offreel

放线速度 pay-offspeed

放线盘 pay-offspool

放线架[装置] pay-off stand

成圈铜杆放线架pay-off stand for copper rods in coils

放线架 pay-offswift

放线装置 pay-offunit

放线速度 pay-offvelocity


放线角 pay-outangle

放线架 pay-outstand

放线装置 pay-outunit

放线 payed off

放线盘 paying outdrum

放线盘 paying outreel

放线自动控制微调payoff automatic-control triment

放线盘架 payoffbobbin retainer

放线张力 payofftension

越端放线(装置) over-end pay-off

越端放线装置over-end pay-off unit

越端放线、轴向放线over-flange pay-off

越端放线拉线over-head take-off drawing

越端放线装置 overenddereeler

越端[轴向]放线装置 overhead pay-off

越端式放线架overhead pay-off-rack


电动放线装置motor-driven pay-off

机动放线架 motor-drivenwire pay-off swift

主动放线装置、电动放线装置motorised pay-off

多盘放线装置multi-bobbin pay-off

无驱动放线non-drive pay off

移动式放线装置 mobilepay-off

行走式放线架 mobilepay-off stand

手动螺杆升降式放线装置manual screw lift pay-off

放线装置 let-offapparatus

放线篮架 inputcore drum carrier

放线盘、进线线盘、生产用线盘、机用线盘 input reel

重型无轴式放线装置heavy duty shaftless pay-off

越端放线装置 flyerdereeler

浮转式放线装置 flyerpay-off

越端放线装置 flyerre-reeler

飞环[越端]式放线装置 flyoff hood arrangement

放线架[装置] feed stand

拉线鼓轮、(电缆敷设用)放线盘 drawing drum

被动式放线装置 drivensupply arrangement

筒式放线装置drumpack pay-off

双盘越端放线(装置) dual flyer pay-off

双盘越端放线(装置) dual flyer type pay-off

双盘放线装置 dualpay-off

双盘放线装置 dualpay-off unit

放线浮拉器de-reeling flyer

越端放线架de-reeling flyer frame


放线装置 dereeler

放线 despooling

放线装置despooling unit



放线架 creelstand

毛刷式放线装置 curlflyer

恒定张力放线架constant tension lef-off stand

中心放线盘 corepay-off reel

锥形、锥、锥体、拉线鼓轮、(收、放线架的)托脚 cone

锥形越端放线装置cone-type flyer pay-off

成圈复绕装置、收放线装置coiling and uncoiling device

悬臂式收、放线装置cantilever pay-off and take-up

中心股放线架 centercore pay-off stand

中心放线站 centralpay-off station

电缆放线车 cabledrum carriage

线盘放线架 bobbinpay-off creel

线盘放线速度 bobbinpayout speed

自动放线装置automatic dereeler

退扭放线 backtwist pay-off

盘转式放线装置barrel-type pay off

毛刷式放线装置 curlflyer

恒定张力放线架constant tension lef-off stand

中心放线盘 corepay-off reel

锥形、锥、锥体、拉线鼓轮、(收、放线架的)托脚 cone

锥形越端放线装置cone-type flyer pay-off

成圈复绕装置、收放线装置coiling and uncoiling device

悬臂式收、放线装置cantilever pay-off and take-up

中心股放线架 centercore pay-off stand

中心放线站 central pay-offstation

电缆放线车 cabledrum carriage

线盘放线架 bobbinpay-off creel

线盘放线速度 bobbinpayout speed

自动放线装置automatic dereeler

退扭放线 backtwist pay-off

盘转式放线装置barrel-type pay off

越端放线装置的摩擦片abrasive plate

绕线、收线、绕包 wind

绕线、收线 wind up

收线器[机]绕线机 wire spooler

收线装置 wiretake-up device

绕线机、收线机 wirewinding machine

立式静盘成圈收线装置vertical axis stalabloc coiler

立式升降收线(装置) vertical lift take-up

立式螺旋升降收线架vertical screw lift take-up stand

立式静盘成圈收线装置vertical stationary block coiler

行走式收线架transportable take-up stand

自排式收线(装置) traversing take-up

双盘收线架 twindrum take-up stand

双盘收线装置 twinspooler

顶尖式收线器、无轴式收线装置tailstock spooler

绕线、收线 take up

收线架 take-offrack

绕线、收线、收线(装置) take-up

收线储存器、收线储线器take-up accumulator

收线绕线装置 take-upand winding unit

组合收线装置 take-upbank

收线装置 take-upblock

收线牵引轮 take-upcapstan

收线成圈机 take-upcoiler

收线盘 take-updrum

收线盘撑架 take-updrum cantilever

收线篮架 take-updrum carrier

收线架、收线框take-up drum frame

盘式收线架、收线盘架take-up drum stand

收线架 take-upframe

收线电机 take-upmotor

收线盘 take-upreel

收线速度 take-upspeed

收线盘 take-upspool

成盘收线装置 take-upspooler

收线架[装置] take-up stand

收线绞线机 take-upstrander

收线张力 take-uptension

收线架[装置]、收线装置 take-up unit

悬挂式收线架susceptance take-up station

绕线、收线 spool


收线设备、收线、绕线spooling equipment

收线装置 spoolingmachine

收线架 spoolingstand

局部退火、收线机 spotannealing

氨基甲酸酯橡胶urethane rubber

直焊性聚氨脂漆包铜圆线solderable polyurethane enamelled round copper wire

直焊性聚氨酯漆包铜圆线self-fluxing polyurethane enammelled round copper wire

聚氨酯漆包线polyurethane enamelled wire

聚氨酯泡沫橡胶polyurethane foam

聚氨酯漆包圆铜电磁线polyurethane-coated round copper magnet wire

聚氨酯-尼龙丝包圆铜电磁线 polyurethane-nylon-coatedround copper magnet wire [化]阿摩尼亚、氨 ammonia


布置、安装 set out

安装、装配、布置、设置set up



安排、解决 settle

安排、准备、配置 setup

安息日的sabbatical .

安全的、平安的 safeadv

安全地、平安地 safely

安全、可靠 safety n


安全[防护]装置 safety device


运行[操作]可靠性、运行[操作]安全性 reliability of operation


安全[保险、紧急]开关 overcurrent cut-out switch

运行[操作]可靠性、运行[操作]安全性 operating reliability

运行[操作]可靠性、运行[操作]安全性 operating safety


安装电缆installation cable

安装费用、设备投资installation cost

安装图、施工图installation drawing

安装说明书installation instructions

安装[装置]工具 installation kit

安装程序installation program

安装规程[标准] installation rule

安装标准[规程] installation standard

无线电装置用电线、安装线、装备用电线 installation wires

敷设[安装]工程、敷设[安装]工作 installation work

安装容量、安装功率installed capacity

安装功率 installedpower

安装线interconnection wire

自身安全装置intrinsically safe installation

岛、安全地带 island


高安全性电缆high-safety electric cable

高温安装线high-temperature hook-up wire

布线用线、安装线、跨接线、柔软连接线 hook-up wire

适合 fit

安装工、装配工 fitter

安装说明 fittinginstruction

安装说明书 fittinginstructions

安装、修理、确定 fix

治愈(病人)、安顿 fix up


固定安装线 fixturewire

带状(室内布)线、扁形编织安装线 flat webbed building wire

安全系数、安全[保险]系数 factor of assurance

电气安装 electricinstallation

安装线 equipmentand building wire

设备安装线equipment hook-up wire


管道安装线conduit-installation wire

(做)预算、安排 budget

电缆安装、电缆敷设、电缆装置[设备] cable installation

电缆敷设[安装] cable laying

直径) screwlength nD

自粘直焊漆包线self-bonding and self-fluxing enamelled wire

自粘直焊漆包线self-bonding solderable enamelled wire

自粘直焊漆包线self-fluxing and self-bonded enamelled wire

直焊性漆包铜圆线self-fluxing enamelled round copper wire

直焊性漆包线self-fluxing enamelled wire

直焊性聚氨酯漆包铜圆线self-fluxing polyurethane enammelled round copper wire


直角连接器right-angle adapter

直角接头right-angle connector

直角插头right-angle plug

基准面直径reference surface diameter


预矫直机pre-straightening machine

预矫直装置pre-straightening unit

平均直径、层心直径pitch diameter

直埋式光缆 plow-inoptical cable

远程直接数据处理、远程在线数据处理 on-line remote data processing

直接蒸汽硫化 opensteam cure

标称直径 nominaldiameter

最小出线直径 min.final diameter

最小出线直径min.final diameter

最小出线直径 minimumfinal diameter

不同心度、偏心度、不成直线、失配、失调、不匹配 misalignment

模场直径 modefield diameter

低压直流输电信息传输 lowtransmission voltage d.c. data transmission

低压直流输电信息传输 lowtransmission voltage d.c.data transmission

最大允许直径 maximumacceptable diameter

最大允许直径 maxinumacceptance diameter

最大理论直径孔径maxinum theoretical numerical aperture

线性聚乙烯、直链聚乙烯linear PE

直线式储线器 linearaccumulator

直线式电缆牵引装置linear cable engine

大、中、小直径large,medium,small diameter

大直径电缆large-diameter cable

大号[直径]线、粗线 large-diameter wire

大号[直径]线、粗线 large-siza wire

大截面[直径]电缆 large-size cables

电缆的直接冷却[整体冷却]、电缆的间接冷却[单面冷却] lateralcooling of cables

电缆转弯的曲率半径与电缆平均直径、节径比、节距比 lay ratio

进线直径 inletdiameter

直线式单头大拉机in-line bull block machine

高精度线材矫直器 highprecision wire straightener

耐热直焊性漆包线heat-resistant and solderable enamelled wire

光纤直径 fiberdiameter

出线直径、成品线直径finished wire diameter

固定垂直偏振 fixedvertical polarization(

线盘)侧板直径 flange diameter

压扁机、压延机、矫直机、扁条拉模、拉扁钢丝模、压延工 flattener

矫直辊、矫正辊dressing roll

有效纤芯直径effective core diameter

直埋 directburial

地下敷设、直埋 directburial (in earth)

直埋电缆 directburial cable

直埋电缆 directburied cable

冷却水管、电缆的直接冷却direct cooling of cable

直接牵引拉线机 directpull drawing machine

远程直接数据处理、远程在线数据处理 direct remote data processing

直接蒸汽硫化 directsteam cure

直流电压 directvoltage

直接水冷却电缆 directwater-cooled cable

直接波 directwave

直流耐压试验direct-current withstand voltage test

直流式压铅机direct-flow lead press

直接冷却式模架directly cooled dieholder

双层直角挤出机头double layer crosshead


直径控制装置、线径控制器diameter control device

直接耦合 directcoupling

直接串音 directcrosstalk

直流电(流) direct current

直流电缆 directcurrent cable

直流电力电缆 directcurrent power cable

直流电阻 directcurrent resistance

直接拉丝 directdrawing

直接传动 directdrive

电缆在屏蔽前的直径diameter of the cable beneath the shield

直径比 diameterratio

直径缩小、缩径diameter reduction

直径公差 diametertolerance

十字机头、直角机头cross head



直流增音机d.c.relay repeater


直流电压强度d.c.voltage strength

恒(向、定、流)电流、等幅电流、直流 continuous current

直流电压continuous voltage

铜带矫直装置 copperstrip straightener unit

线芯直径、纤芯直径、(线盘)筒径 core diameter(

纤)芯(直)径偏差 corediameter deviation

电缆芯(直)径比 core ratio

瞬变[断]直流电压 chopped d.c. voltage

包层直径 claddingdiameter

包层表面直径偏差cladding surface diameter deviation

同轴式直角挤出机头coaxial extrusion crosshead

圈线预矫直机coil-end pre-straightenner

大截面[直径]电缆 cable with big cross-sectional areas

直埋电缆、地下电缆buried cable

直埋光缆 buriedservice lightguide

水线电码直接打印机cable code direct printer

电缆直径控制 cablediameter control(

线盘)轴孔直径、线盘轴孔直径 bore diameter

平均纤芯直径 averagecore diameter

筒体直径、线盘筒径barrel diameter

线模直径 bearingdiameter

直流电力电缆 D.C.Power cable

直流电阻不平衡 D.C.resistance unbalance

直流耐压试验 D.C.withstand test

直流电力电缆D.C.power cable

直流火花试验器[机、仪] DC spark testerdiameter

直径 DIA

导线直径 DOA

缆芯包带层直径 DOCC

泡沫/实心皮绝缘的泡沫部分直径 DOFC





直接淬火线杆 ED rod

高压直流输电子工业HVDC(high-voltage d.c. transmission)

高压直流输电HVDC(high-voltage direct current transmission)

长度与直径之比、长径比L/D ratio

结构高度(对绝缘子串元件) spacing(for stringinsulator unit)

绝缘子串 insulatorstring

绝缘子串元件 stringinsulator unit

不平衡电流、串音电流unbalanced current

不可懂串音、非线性串音unintelligible cross-talk

串列式三机架线材压扁整边机three-stand tandem wire flattening and edging mill

串列式三机架线材压扁机three-stand tandem wire flattening mill

串连 tandem

串列式退火机、连续拉丝退火机tandem annealer

串联、串列式布置[装置] tandem arrangement

串联、串列式布置tandem connection

串列式挤出机 tandemextruder

串列式轧机、直线式轧机tandem rolling mill

串列式线材轧机tandem-type rod mill

实路对幻路的串音side-to-phantom crosstalk

实路对幻路的远端串音side-to-phantom far-end crosstalk

实路对实路的串音、实线间串音side-to-side crosstalk

实路对实路的串音耦合、实线间串音耦合 side-to-side crosstalk coupling

实线间的远端串音side-to-side far-end crosstalk

串联电路、串联 seriescircuit

串联、串联电路 seriesconnection

串联干扰电压 seriesinterference voltage

串联电阻 seriesresistance

反射近端串音reflected near-end crosstalk

串音 overhearing

近端串音 near-endcrosstalk

近端串音衰减near-end crosstalk attenuation

近端串音损耗near-end crosstalk loss

近端串音 near-endtalk

可懂串音、线性串音intelligible (linear) cross-talk

间接串音 indirectcrosstalk

高频串音特性high-frequency crosstalk performance

光纤串扰 fibercross-talk

远端串音 far-endcrosstalk

远端串音衰减 far-endcrosstalk attenuation

远端串音损耗 far-endcrosstalk loss

远端串音防卫度far-end crosstalk ratio

端串扰、端串音 endcross-talk

直接串音 directcrosstalk

串音、串话 crosstalk

串音[串话]特性 cross talk characteristic

串音测量[试]法 cross talk measuring method

抗串扰性 crosstalk resistance

串音信号cross-talk signal


串音衰减 crosstalkattenuation

串音衰减当量crosstalk attenuation unit

串音平衡 crosstalkbalance

串音平衡 crosstalkbalancing

同(轴对)串四(线组) crosstalkbetween coaxial pair and quad

四(线组)串四(线组) crosstalkbetween star quad

四(线组)串同(轴对) crosstalkbetween star quad and coaxial pair

同(轴对)串同(轴对) crosstalkbetween two coaxial pairs

串音电路、串音耦合crosstalk circuit

串话补偿 crosstalkcompensation

串音耦合、串话耦合 crosstalkcoupling

串音耦合损耗crosstalk coupling loss

串音电流 crosstalkcurrent

镀锌 galvanising

镀锌 zincplating

镀锌槽 zincplating bath

镀锌铁丝zinc-coated iron wire

铠装用镀锌低碳钢丝zinc-coated low-carbon steel armour

镀锌钢绞线zinc-coated steel strand

镀锌钢带zinc-plated steel tape

镀锌 zinking

高强度镀锌钢丝[芯线]high-strength galvanized steel core

高强度镀锌钢丝[芯线]high-strength zinc-coated steel core




镀锌铠装钢丝galvanized armour wire

铅淬火高张力镀锌钢丝galvanized high-tensile plough-steel wire

镀锌软[低碳]钢丝 galvanized mild steel wire

镀锌铠装钢带galvanized steel armour tape

镀锌钢芯线、镀锌钢丝galvanized steel core wire

镀锌钢丝galvanized steel wire

镀锌钢绞线galvanized stranded wire

镀锌钢丝galvanized wire

镀锌槽、锌浴galvanizing bath

镀锌炉galvanizing furnace

镀锌装置、电镀装置galvanizing plant

镀锌收线架galvanizing take-up frame


防腐镀锌钢丝corrosion preventing grease-coated galvanized wire

管式绞线机、管绞机 tubestrander

管式绞线机、管绞机tubular closer

管绞机 tubularstrander

管式绞线机、管绞机tubular stranding machine

管绞机筒体stranding rotor

高速管绞机 highspeed tubular stranding machine10

对群绞设备10- twingroup stranding machine

十三头绞线机13- foldtwisting machine

十八盘两段卧式绞线成缆机18-bobbin 2-cage horizontal wire stranding and laying-up machine

十八盘绞笼18-bobbin bay

压铝护套 ExtrudedAluminium Sheath

钢芯铝绞线 ACSR

钢芯铝绞线 ACSRcable4

对群绞设备4- twingroup stranding plant

绞盘、绞车 winch

钢丝绳、钢缆、钢绞线wire rope

绞线机wire-stranding machine

绕接、缠绕接线法、导体的扭绞连接 wire-wrap connection


带退扭的(绞线) with backtwist

不带退扭的(绞线) without backtwist

绞笼架 yoke

镀锌钢绞线zinc-coated steel strand

立式绞线机 verticaltwister

绞合电缆 twsitcable

绞合补偿器、节距调节器twsit compensator

分层绞线 twsitconductor

绞合对、多股绞合线twsit pair

扭绞节距、绞距 twsitpitch

复星绞组 twsitquadruplet

扭绞试样成型机 twsittest specimen forming machine

绞合线 twsit wire

同向绞合unidirectional lay

同节距绞合 unilaystranding

单位式(绞合)电缆 unit cable

单位式绞合 unitlay-up

单位屏蔽对绞电缆 unitshielded paired cable

单位式绞合 unitstranding

单位式绞缆机 unitstranding machine

单位绞电缆 unittwin cable

单位式(绞合)电缆 unit-stranded cable


单位式(绞合)电缆 unit-type stranded cable

三层同心绞合电缆、三相同轴电缆 triple concentric cable

管式绞线机、管绞机 tubestrander


管(筒)笼式绞线机 tubolarbloc cage strander

管式绞线机、管绞机tubular closer

管绞机 tubularstrander

预加压管式绞线机tubular strander with prestressing

防噪音管式绞线机tubular strander with sound-proof guards

管(式)绞(合) tubularstranding

管式绞线机、管绞机tubular stranding machine

双绞和四线组对绞电缆twin and quad pairing cable

双芯电缆、对绞电缆 twincable

三层共挤 tripleextrusion


共挤十字机头coextrusion crosshead

三层共挤 bonedtriple extrusion

直埋 dirdectburial

校直 straighten



直径 diameter


线材矫直器 wirestraightener

线材矫直切割机 wirestraightening and cutting machine

垂直安装[排列] vertical arrangement

立式垂直浇铸vertical cast

立式垂直浇铸vertical casting

耐垂直蠕变性vertical creep resistance

垂直燃烧试验vertical flame test

垂直敷设 verticalinstallation

垂直升降式收、放线装置vertical lift pay-off and take-up

垂直升降式电缆盘架vertical lift type drum stand

垂直偏振 verticalpolarization

直升装置用电缆vertical riser cable

垂直敷设 verticalrun

垂直悬挂试验vertical suspension test

垂直托架火焰[燃烧]试验 vertical-tray flame test

垂直偏振电磁波vertically-polarized electromagnetic wave

地下电缆、直埋电缆underground cable

组合式辊压模、互成直角的四辊轮拉丝模装置 turks(-)head

互成直角的四辊轮拉丝模装置turks(head) roll


直通线路 throughcircuit

直通线路 throughline


定线、与….成一直线 to be flush

定线、与……成一直线 to bein line with

将金属线拉制成大、中、小直径to draw wires down to large,medium,small diameters

串列式轧机、直线式轧机tandem rolling mill


直裂缝、裂缝[纹、口]、拼合的、分开的 split

直线式储线器straight accumulator

直接浸渍法 straightdipping process

平直侧板 straightflange

直通接头 straightjoint

直链聚乙烯、线性聚乙烯straight-chain PE

直链聚合物straight-chain polymer

直线式储线器straight-line accumulator

直线式拉线straight-line drawing

直线式拉线机straight-line drawing machine

直线式拉线机straight-line wire drawing machine


直[平]辊式拉线机 straight-roll wire drawing machine

直通接头[连接器] straight-through connector

直线式拉线straight-through drawing

直线式拉线机straight-through drawing machine

直通接头straight-through joint

直通式压铅机straight-through lead press

直通式压铅机straight-through press for lead-sheathing cables

拉直、(线材)矫直 straighten

矫直的电缆试样straightened cable sample

矫直机[装置]、矫直器、校直机 straightener


矫直机straightening machine

矫直辊straightening roll



小(直径)同轴对 small-diameter coaxial pair

直焊性电磁线solderable magnet wire

直焊性聚酰亚胺漆包铜圆线solderable polyesterimide enamelled round copper wire

直焊性聚氨脂漆包铜圆线solderable polyurethane enamelled round copper wire

中线直接接地 solidearthing of neutral

中线直接接地 solidgrounding of neutral

直接接地中线 solidlyearthed neutral

直接接地网络[系统] solidly earthed system

直接接地中线 solidlygrounded neutral

直接接地网络[系统] solidly grounded system

溶剂粘接直焊性漆包线solvent bonding self-fluxing enamelled wire

湿式中拉机 mediumwet drawing machine

中拉机 mediumwire drawing machine

中拉intermediate drawing

中拉机intermediate wire drawing machine

中拉机、大拉机 coarsewire drawing machine

粗-细线拉线机、中拉机 coarse-fine wire drawingmachine

多根拉线-退火-束线机组 multi-wire drawing-annealing-bunching line

四节距束线机 fourtwist bunching machine

双节距束线机 doubletwist buncher

双节距束线机double-twist bunch strander

双节距[双倍]束线机 double-twist bunching machine

双节距高速束线机double-twist laying-up machine

复合束线、复[混[合束线 compound bunch

磨光机、束线机buffing machine

束线、束绞、束线 bunch


束绞铜束线bunch-stranded copper conductor

束线、绞合线 bunchedwire

束线机 buncher

束线机 bunchingmachine

灌注 potting

双面双层十六头纱包机 16-head double-side douoble-rosette cotton covering machine

立式双层鼓轮vertical double draft bull block

双层编包风雨线weatherproof double braid

双层挤出(机)头 twin (extruder) head

双层鼓轮拉线机 twincapstan drawing machine

双头挤出、双层挤出twin-head extrusion

双层的 twin-layer

橡皮绝缘双层编包线rubber-covered double braided

双层环氧漆包圆铜电磁线heavy epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire

泡沫皮绝缘、泡沫/实心双层绝缘 foam skin insulation

双层编织机 doubletier type braiding machine

双层钢丝铠装 doublewire armour

双层钢丝铠装电缆double wire-armoured cable

双层挤出(机)头 double(extruder)head


双层编织式外导体同轴电缆double-braid type coaxial cable

双层鼓轮拉线机double-capstan wire drawing machine

双层滚筒六头拉线机double-deck 6 head type machine

双层鼓轮double-deck bull block

双层拉线鼓轮double-deck drawing block


双层的 double-layer

双层一次挤出(法) double-layer coating co-extrusion

双层挤出(机)头 double-layer extrusion head

双层纸 double-plypaper

双丝包的、双层丝绝缘double-silk covered

双层挤出(机)头 dual (extruder) head

泡沫/实心双层绝缘、泡沫绝缘 dual expanded plasticinsulation

双层挤出机 dualextruder

双层绕包头 duallapping head

双层的 duplex

双层纸 duplexpaper

双层护套、焊接的皱纹金属管护套 duplex sheath

双层绕包头duplicate lapping head

双层铠装 doublearmo(u)ring

双层鼓轮 doubleblock

双层鼓轮拉线机 doubleblock drawing machine

双层拉线鼓轮 doubledeck drawing capstan

双层环氧漆包圆铜电磁线double epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire

双层绝缘导线 doubleinsulated condutor

双层直角挤出机头double layer crosshead

双层钢带铠装 doublelayer of steel-tape armour

双层钢带铠装d.s.t.a.(double layer of steel-tape armour)


单层纸 simplexpaper

单层滚筒七头拉线机single deck 7 heads type machine

单层环氧漆包圆铜电磁线single epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire

单层金属编织机 singletier type wire braiding machine


单层电缆single-layer cable

单层绞线single-layer strand

单层纸包圆铜电磁线single-paper-covered round copper magnet wire

单层纸 single-plypaper

单层纸single-wire paper

单层 monolayer

单层甲板大帆船 galley

管式绞线机、管绞机 tubestrander

管式绞线机、管绞机tubular closer

管绞机 tubularstrander

管式绞线机、管绞机tubular stranding machine

管绞机筒体stranding rotor

高速管绞机 highspeed tubular stranding machine

光纤拉丝 optical fibredrawing

拉丝乳剂 drawingcompounds

拉丝润滑剂 drawinglubricants

拉丝用皂 drawingsoaps8

模湿式拉丝机、八模湿拉机wet drawing machine with 8 dies

拉线、拉丝 wiredrawing

拉线模、拉丝模 wiredrawing die

拉丝润滑剂 wiredrawing lubricant

拉线机、拉丝机 wiredrawing miller


拉丝机、拉丝工 wire-drawer

拉丝架[机] wire-drawing bench

拉丝设备[车间] wire-drawing plant


拉丝模(板) wortle

钻石拉丝模超声抛光ultrasonic diamond die polishing

钻石拉丝模超声抛光装置ultrasonic diamond die polishing unit

超声波拉丝模打孔机ultrasonic drawing die drilling machine

超声波拉丝模加工机ultrasonic drawing die working machine

超声波拉丝机ultrasonic drawing machine

碳化钨(拉丝)模、硬质合金(拉线)模 tungsten-carbide(drawing) die

组合式辊压模、互成直角的四辊轮拉丝模装置 turks(-)head

互成直角的四辊轮拉丝模装置turks(head) roll

串列式退火机、连续拉丝退火机tandem annealer

滑移式拉丝[线]机 slip drawing machine


单道拉丝 singledraft drawing

单模拉丝机 singledraft drawing machine

单道拉丝single-pass drawing(光纤)拉丝机 pullingmachine


光纤拉丝塔 opticalfiber drawing tower

光纤拉丝机 opticalfibre drawing machine

多头拉丝、多模拉丝multiple drawing

多模拉丝机 multipledrawing machinen-

模连续拉丝机 n-diecontinuous wiredrawer

高性能拉丝生产线 highperformance drawing line(拉丝模的)研磨 grinding

光纤拉丝系统 fiberdrawing system

光缆拉丝机 fiberpulling machine

光纤拉丝机fiber-pulling machine

双列[双重]拉丝机 double row wire drawing machine

拉丝[线]机]、拔杆机 drawbench


拉丝(润滑液)槽 drawing batch

拉丝[线]机、拔杆机 drawing bench

拉丝润滑剂 drawingcompound

拉丝塔轮、拉线鼓轮drawing cone

拉丝设备 drawingequipment

拉丝[线]润滑液 drawing fluid

拉丝[线]润滑液 drawing oil

拉丝[线]润滑液 drawing solution

拉丝模具 drawingtool

拉丝配模、配模 diesarrangement

直接拉丝 directdrawing(拉丝模)模座 die holder

塔轮式拉丝[线]机 cone-type drawing machine

拉丝模、拉丝机 bullblock



防滑动拉丝机anti-slipping drawing machine

立式单模大拉机、立式鼓轮vertical bull block

粗拉机、大拉机、开坯机rod breakdown machine


大拉机 largedrawing mill

直线式单头大拉机in-line bull block machine

卧式单模大拉机、卧式鼓轮horizontal bull block

大拉机 heavydrawing machine

大拉 heavy roddrawing

大拉机 heavy roddrawing machine

拉线鼓轮、大拉机drawing block

大拉 coarsedrawing

中拉机、大拉机 coarsewire drawing machine

单模大拉机 bulldrawing block

大拉机 bardrawblock

小拉机 fine wiredrawing


细拉机mini-drawing machine

细拉 mini-finedrawing

细拉 finedrawingvt


细拉机 finishingblock(铜杆)剥皮 shave

铜杆剥皮 shavingof copper rod

铜杆的压延 rollingof copper rod

圆铜杆 roundcopper rod

电工用圆铜杆 roundcopper rod for electrical purpose

成圈铜杆放线架pay-off stand for copper rods in coils

热轧铜杆hot-rolled copper rod

铜杆 copper bar

铜杆、(电缆头用)铜出线梗、接线柱 copper rod

铜杆剥皮机 copperrod descaler

铜杆拉出 copperrod withdrawal

控制电缆 controlcables

自动带宽控制 ABC

断线控制系统 wirebreak control system

线张力控制 wiretension control

线张力控制仪、紧线器wire tensioner

电压控制 voltagecontro

扭力控制装置 torsioncontrol equipment

热液控制、液体控温(法) thermal liquid control

厚度(控制)仪、测厚仪 thickness gage

色调控制孔径toll-control aperture

带子张力控制 tapetension control

温度控制[调节] temperature control

液体控温(法)、热液控制 temperature control by a liquid medium

温度控制仪temperature control meter

张力控制[调节]装置 tension control device

张力控制装置 tensioncontrol unit

张力控制放线装置tension controlled pay-off


测试线、控制[操作、监视]线 testing conductor

严格控制[检验、检查] strict control

严格控制[检验、检查] stringent test


电场控制[调整]、应力控制 stress control

应力控制带 stresscontrol tape

应力控制管 stresscontrol tubing

电[磁]场控制的、应力控制的 stress-controlling

严格检验[检查、控制] severe control

严格检验[检查、控制] severe test

控制线路用多芯用电缆、船用控制电缆 shipboard multicore cable for control circuits

硅管外径控制器 silicatube outer diameter controller


严格检验[检查、控制] rigid test

严格检验[检查、控制] rigorous test

自动控制收线装置 robottake-up

垂度控制 sagcontrol

垂度控制器 sagcontroller

垂度控制环sag-control loop

调节[控制]范围 regulating range

调节[整]器、控制器 regulator

按扭控制[操纵] push-button control

质量控制[检验] quality control

质量检验[控制] quality inspection

生产过程控制、程序控制process control

工序控制检验 processcontrol inspection

生产过程控制production control

程序控制 programmecontrol


控制线芯、监视线芯pilot conductor

导引绝缘线芯、控制线芯、监视线芯 pilot core

控制线、操作线 pilotline

压缩空气控制pneumatic operation

放线人工控制速度 payoff manual speed control

放线自动控制微调payoff automatic-control triment

氢氧焰温度控制器oxyhydrogen flame temperature controller

控制板[配电盘]开关装置 panel switching equipment

操作台、操纵盘、控制板operator panel

操作台、控制台operator's desk

噪声控制装置 noisecontrol equipment

非接触式线径控制仪non-contact diameter monitor

微处理机控制话缆四线组测试仪microprocessor telephone quad tester

监测器--电容量控制 monitor-capacitance control


灯光显示控制luminous control panel

生产过程控制manufacturing control

流量控制器 massflow controller

柔软云母材料flexible mica material


柔软)复合材料;复合箔 combined (flexible)material

软化温度;软化点softening temperature;softening point

软电缆 BX cable

屈服[流动、软化、击穿]点 yield point(YP)

屈服强度、软化强度yield strength

乙烯绝缘软电缆 vinylcabtyre cable

耐水软线water-resistan cord

热塑流试验、软化击穿试验thermoplastic flow test

三芯电力软线 threeconductor power cord

三芯软线three-core cord

三芯软线 three-waycord

镀锡软铜绞线 tinedsoft copper stranded wire

箔软线、塞线 tinselcord

电话软线 telephonecord

电信软件 telesoftware

电源软线 supplycord

交换机电缆[塞子软线] switchboard cable

退火(软)线 soft annealed wire

退火、韧炼、软化退火soft annealing

软电缆 soft cable

软陶瓷绝缘电磁线 softceramic insulated magnet wire

软涂层 softcoating

软拉 soft drawn

软或退火铜线、软铜线soft or annealed copper wire

箔软线、塞线 tinselcord

电话软线 telephonecord


电源软线 supplycord

交换机电缆[塞子软线] switchboard cable

退火(软)线 soft annealed wire

退火、韧炼、软化退火soft annealing

软电缆 soft cable

软陶瓷绝缘电磁线 softceramic insulated magnet wire

软涂层 softcoating

软拉 soft drawn

软或退火铜线、软铜线soft or annealed copper wire

软橡胶 softrubber

软链段 softsegment

软焊料钎焊、锡焊 softsoldering

退火铜线、软铜线soft-annealed copper wirev


软化剂 softener

软化 softening

软化剂 softeningagent

软化[退火]装置 softening plant

软化点 softeningpoint

软化区、增塑区softening region

软钎焊(缝、点、头) soldered joint

软钎焊(缝、点、头) soldering joint

扁形(软线)接头 spade tag

扇形(软线)接头 spade terminal

螺旋芯软线、有弹簧的塞绳spiral-conductor flexible cord

星绞八芯软电缆spiral-eight cable

星绞四芯软电缆spiral-four cable

星绞四芯软电缆spiral-four type cable

船用软同轴电缆shipboard flexible coaxial cable

爆破[放炮]用软线 shot-fire cord

丝包软线silk-covered cord

镀银软或退火铜线、镀银软铜线silver-coated soft or annealed copper wire

单线软绳single-wire cord

可收缩软线、弹簧线retractile cord

橡套软电缆 rubberjacketed flexible cable


软拉 s.d.(softdrawn)

游览车用软线recreational-vehicle cord

预装配的软电缆pre-assembled flexible cable

预装配的软电缆及软线pre-assembled flexible cables and cords

精密排列的扁形软电缆precision-tiered flat flexible cable


超软细股线 pigtailwire

塑料护套软线plastic-sheathed flexible cord

移动式软线 portablecord

普通塑料护套软线 ordinaryplastic-sheathed flexible cord

普通型耐磨橡套软电缆ordinary tough-rubber sheathed flexible cable

普通耐磨橡套软线ordinary tough-rubber sheathed flexible cord

普通聚氯乙烯护套软线ordinary(PVC-)sheathed flexible cord

耐油软线 oil-proofcord

耐油软线oil-resistant cord

光纤软线 optical fibercord

多芯软线 multicorecord

多芯软线 multiplecord

网络软件 networksoftware

镀镍软或退火铜线、镀镍软铜线nickel-coated soft or annealed copper wire

麦克风[话筒]软线 microphone cord

麦克风[话筒]软线 mike cord

移动房屋用软线mobile-home cord

定型设计的电话软线、弹簧电话软线 modular telephone cord

防潮双绞软线moisture proof twisted cord


低温柔软性 lowtemperature flexibility

低漏泄电流用户软线low-leakage-current service cord

轻型塑料护套软线 lightplastic-sheathed flexible cord

轻型聚氯乙烯护套软线light(PVC) sheathed flexible cord

电灯(软)线 lamp cord

铅合金包覆软铜线lead-alloy-coated soft copper wire

铅包软铜线lead-coated soft copper wire

仪器用软线[塞绳] instrument cord

绝缘软线 insulatedflexible wire

综合软件integrated software

高温软线high-temperature flexibles

素炼机、软胶机homogenizing roller

布线用线、安装线、跨接线、柔软连接线 hook-up wire

软管、橡皮管 hose

苛刻条件用软线hard-service cord

耐热护套软电缆heat-resistant sheathed flexible cable

重型耐磨橡套软电缆heavy tough-rubber sheathed flexible cable

镀锌软[低碳]钢丝 galvanized mild steel wire

玻璃丝绝缘软线glass-fiber-insulated flexibles

馈电软线 feed cord

一级软线 firstclass flexible cord

扁形软电缆 flatflexible cable

扁形双芯软线 flattwin flexible cord

扁形双芯软线[塞绳] flat twin tinsel cord

软线 flexconductor


柔软度试验flexibility test

柔软的 flexible

软电缆 flexiblecable

矿工帽灯用软线flexible cable for miners' cap lamps

软接线 flexiblecircuit conductor

软导体、柔软导体、软线flexible conductor

软线、连接塞绳flexible cord

电缆软接头 flexiblejoint

移动式电力软线flexible portable power cord

电力软线 flexiblepower cord

软绞线 flexiblestranded conductor

软绞线 flexiblestranded wire

软[花、皮]线 flexible wire

软线布线 flexiblewiring


弹性[延伸]软绳 extension cord

特软绞线 extra-flexiblestranded conductor

极苛刻条件用软线双芯软线[塞绳] double conductor cord


耐切通性、切通强度、耐软化击穿性能 cut-through resistance

切通温度、软化击穿温度cut-through temperature

切通试验、软化击穿试验cut-through test

连接塞绳、软线connecting cord

铜芯聚氯乙烯绝缘平型软线copper conductor PVC-insulated parallel flexible cord

铜芯聚氯乙烯绝缘绞型软线copper conductor PVC-insulated twisted flexible cord

软线[绳]、电线电缆、塞绳 cord

花线、装饰线路用软线cord for decorative chains

带有插塞的电话软线 cordsetextra-hard-service cord

成套塞绳、带有插塞的电话软线彩色软线 colour cord

通信软件communication software

锥形软模具 cone-shapedflexible die

同轴软线、同轴线塞绳coaxial cord

螺圈形软线 coiledcord

橡皮绝缘(软)电缆、橡套[软件]电缆 cabtyre cable

橡套电缆、软管电缆cabtyre sheathed cable

配套软件 bundledsoftware

软管电缆 cab-tirecable

橡皮绝缘软线〔软塞绳〕cab-tyre cord

电缆软接头 cableflexible joint

软连接用电缆 cablefor flexible connections

电缆软管 cablehose

电缆软管夹托架 cablehose clamp bracket

编织软绳 braidedflexible cord


屈服[流动、软化、击穿]点 YP(yield point)

柔软控制电缆FCC(flexible control cable)


挤出机 extruders

挤出 extrusion

挤气式挤出机 ventextruder

通用回转式挤出机versatile turret extruder

立式连续挤出硫化机组vertical continuous extruding and vulcanizing machine

立式挤出机 verticalextruder

立式挤出 verticalextrusion

二段式挤出机two-stage extruder

三层挤出机 tripleextruder

三层挤出(机)头 triple extruder head

三层挤出(机)头 triple extrusion head

双层挤出(机)头 twin (extruder) head

双头挤出、双层挤出twin-head extrusion

双螺杆挤出机twin-screw extruder

三层挤出绝缘电缆three-layer extruded cable(挤出机)模嘴、模芯、末端 tip

串列式挤出机 tandemextruder

挤出物料的脱节starving of extrudate flow(挤出机)送料螺杆stockscrew

滤网<挤出机的> strainer

剪切式挤出机头shear-type extrusion head

护套挤出机 sheathingmachine

防串话环 crosstalkdamping ring

串音干扰 crosstalkdisturbance

串音[串话]因数 crosstalk factor

串音[串话]干扰 crosstalk interference

串音水平 crosstalklevel

串音损耗 crosstalkloss

串音测试装置crosstalk measuring set

串音测试仪crosstalk meter

串音噪声 crosstalknoise

串音路径 crosstalkpath

串音原理 crosstalkprinciple

串音防卫度crosstalk ratio

串音信号 crosstalksignal

串音理论 crosstalktheory

串音传输当量、串音衰减crosstalk transmission equivalent

经由第三回路的串音crosstalk via tertiary circuit

串话音量 crosstalkvolume

无串音特性crosstalk-free characteristics

串音频率特性 crosstalk-frequencycharacteristics


连续拉线-退火机组、串列式退火机 continuous wire drawingand annealing

路际串音 channelcrosstalk

级[串]联、级联电路 cascade connection

级[串]联式冷却器 cascade cooler

电缆串音极限 cablecrosstalk limit

十六锭台式编织机16-carrier bench braiding machine16

锭高速编织机16-carrier high speed braider

十六锭高速编织机16-carrier high-speed braiding machine24

锭高速编织机24-carrier high speed braider

金属编织、金属丝编织wire braid

金属丝编织机、金属丝织机wire braiding machine

编织套、电缆屏蔽套wired tube

编织电缆 wovecable

编织电缆 wovencable

镀锡铜线编织 tinnedcooper braid

镀锡铜丝编织带[层] tinned copper braid

镀锡铜丝编织屏蔽tinned copper braid shielding

镀锡铜丝编织带[层] tinned copper mesh

镀锡铜丝编织带 tinnedcopper mesh(ed)

纤维编织、纱编织textile braid

金属丝编织带 textiletape with interwoven metal wires

钢丝编织 steelwire braiding

扁编织导线 strapbraided conductor

编织套[层]、套管 sleeving

防噪声编织机 soundenclosure braiding machine

屏蔽编织(层)、编织屏蔽(层) shieldedbraid

屏蔽编织 shieldingbraid

丝编织线 silkbraided wire

镀银铜线编织屏蔽(层) silver plated copper wire braidedscreen

单层金属编织机 singletier type wire braiding machine

单头编织机 single-headbraiding machine

编织层的浸渍saturation of braid(编织机)剪模 scissor die

屏蔽编织(层)、编织屏蔽层 screening braid(编织机)右旋侧架right-hand side frame

加强编织(层) reinforcing braid(编织机的)面板 race plate

编织覆盖率percentage of braiding coverage

编织机的]摆动臂 osciliating arm

金属(丝)编织 metal braiding

金属丝编织电缆metal-braided cable

金属(丝)编织(层) metallicbraid(编织机)左转侧架 left-hand side frame

束(绞)线、编织线 litz wire

束(绞)线、编织线 litzen wire

束(绞)线、编织线 litzenwire

束(绞)线、编织线 litzwire

编织机 loom

编织机 knitter

针织式编织机knitting machine

编织线芯超导体lattice braided supperconductor

编织节距 lay ofbraiding

高密度编织屏蔽high-density braid shield

高速编织设备high-speed braiding equipment

高速编织机high-speed braiding machine(编织机的)喇叭状齿轮 horngear

玻璃丝编织(层) glass coated micro wire

全自动双头编织机 fullautomatic dual-head braider

玻璃丝编织线fiber-glass braid wire

带状(室内布)线、扁形编织安装线 flat webbed building wire

编织物 fabrictape

铜丝编织带 fabrictape with interwoven copper wire

双层编织机 doubletier type braiding machine


双层编织式外导体同轴电缆double-braid type coaxial cable

双头编织机dual-head braider(编织机)模臂 die arm

棉纱编织(层) cotton braid

棉纱编织 cottonbraiding

棉纱编织机cotton-yarn braiding machine

铜丝编织屏蔽 copperbraid shielding

铜编织线 copperbraided wire

铜丝编织 copperbraiding

铜丝编织带 coppermesh tape

铜丝编织带 copperthreaded textile tape

铜线编织(层) copper wire braid

铜丝编织 copperwire braiding

铜丝编织屏蔽copper-mesh screen

铜丝编织屏蔽copper-mesh shield

布、编织物 cloth

玻璃丝编织尼龙护套电缆cable with glass braid and nylon finish

电缆编织机 cablebraider

电缆编织机 cablebraider machine

电缆编织机 cablecovering machine

编织、编织层 braid

编织角 braidangle

铜芯编织电缆 braidcable with copper conductor

编织同轴屏蔽 braidcoaxial shielding

编织导线 braidconductor

编织点 braidpoint

编织屏蔽电缆 braidshielded cable

编织线 braid wire

编织电缆braid-covered cable

编织导线 braidedconductor

铜丝编织屏蔽 braidedcopper screen

棉纱编织层 braidedcotton covering

编织软绳 braidedflexible cord

编织屏蔽 braidedshield

编织线 braidedwire

编织屏蔽电缆braided-shiled cable

编织机 braider

编织 braiding

编织角 braidingangle

编织头 braidinghead

编织机 braidingmachine

编织机锭子 braidingmachine carrier

钢丝编织 braidingmachine for steel wire

编织车间 braidingworkshop


裸铜丝编织 barecopper braiding

氟化乙烯丙烯绝缘玻璃或石棉编织线 FEP insulated wire with glass or asbestos braid

氟化乙烯丙烯绝缘玻璃或石棉编织线 FEPB(fluorated ethylene-propylene insulated wire with glass orasbestos braid)

皱纹铝护套corrugated alumnimum sheath

热缩护套 the heathshrinkable sleeves

护套 jacket

铅护套 Leadsheath

外护套 outersheath

压铝护套 ExtrudedAluminium Sheath

护套 sheathing

铝-聚乙烯粘接护套 APL sheath

铝-树脂-聚乙烯-铝-聚乙烯综合护套 ARPAP type sheath

铝-钢-聚乙烯综合护套 ASP sheath4

对群绞设备4- twingroup stranding plant

铝-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 Alpeth cable

铝-聚乙烯综合护套 Alpeth cover

铝-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 Alpeth sheathed cable

铝-聚乙烯综合护套 Alpeth-sheath

焊接皱纹钢带护套welding corrugated steel sheath

护套起皱 wrinkleof jacket

壁厚、绝缘[护套]厚度 wall thickness


硬橡皮电缆护套 toughrubber cabtyre sheath

高频熔焊皱纹金属护套toughlex sheath

挤包绝缘或护套 tubing

双活塞电缆护套挤压机 twin-ramcable sheathing press

热塑性氯化聚乙烯护套thermoplastic chlorinated polyethylene jacket

热塑性塑料绝缘及护套电缆thermoplastic insulated and jacketed cable

挤压[挤包]铅护套、压铅 to apply the lead sheath

剥除电缆护套 tostrip the cable sheath


丁苯合成橡皮护套styrene-butadiene synthetic rubber jacket

在接头处护套互联的电缆系统system with the cable sheaths connected across the joints

焊接皱纹钢带护套welding corrugated steel sheath

护套起皱 wrinkleof jacket

壁厚、绝缘[护套]厚度 wall thickness


硬橡皮电缆护套 toughrubber cabtyre sheath

高频熔焊皱纹金属护套toughlex sheath

挤包绝缘或护套 tubing

双活塞电缆护套挤压机twin-ram cable sheathing press

热塑性氯化聚乙烯护套thermoplastic chlorinated polyethylene jacket

热塑性塑料绝缘及护套电缆thermoplastic insulated and jacketed cable

挤压[挤包]铅护套、压铅 to apply the lead sheath

剥除电缆护套 tostrip the cable sheath


丁苯合成橡皮护套styrene-butadiene synthetic rubber jacket

在接头处护套互联的电缆系统system with the cable sheaths connected across the joints

钢-铝-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 stalpeth cable

钢-铝-聚乙烯护套 stalpeth cover

钢-铝-聚乙烯综合护套 stalpeth sheath

钢-铝-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 stalpeth sheathed cable

钢-铝-聚乙烯综合护套 stalpeth-sheath

钢护套 steelsheath

光护套、光滑护套smooth sheath

光滑铝护套smooth-profile aluminium sheath

光滑护套电缆smooth-sheathed cable

护层、护套 sheath

护套轧纹 sheathcrimping

护套偏心监控仪 sheatheccentricity monitor

护套涡流损耗系数sheath eddy current loss factor

护套绝缘环 sheathinsulating ring

护套损耗 sheathloss

护套损耗 sheathlosses

护套结构 sheathmake-up

护套加固箍 sheathreinforcing bandage

护套的接续 sheathsplice

护套的接续 sheathsplicing

护套加强元件、护套加强单元sheath strength member

护套剥除机、剥护套机sheath stripping machine

护套表面 sheathsurface

护套厚度 sheaththickness

护套换位 sheathtransposition

护套(内)壁 sheath wall

护套壁厚 sheathwallthickness

护套线、被覆线 sheathwire

护套电缆 sheathedcable

固定布线用护套电缆sheathed cable for fixed wiring

有外护套层的卷边纵包金属护套布线电缆 sheathed metal-clad wiring cable

护套线、被覆线sheathed wire

挤[包]护套、护套 sheathing

护套混合物[料] sheathing compound

护套挤包设备sheathing equipment

护套挤制生产线sheathing line

护套挤出机sheathing machine

护套材料 sheathingmaterial

护套试样 sheathingtest-piece

护套线、被覆线sheathing wire

护套颜色 sheatingcolor

护套工段 sheatingdepartment

单护套 singlesheath

单芯电缆(有或无护套) single-core cable (with orwithout sheath)

内部配线用单芯无护套电缆、布线电缆 single-core non-sheath cable for internal wiring

有护套的单芯导线single-core sheathed conductor

单护套电缆single-jacketed cable

聚乙烯密封护套sealpeth sheath

金属护套的无缝挤包、无缝护包金属护套 seamless extrusion of metal sheaths

自粘性外护套self-bonding overcoat

半导体护套semi-conducting jacket

护套剥离绳 rip cord

橡皮绝缘护套 rubberinsulating blanket

橡皮护套、橡套 rubbersheath

加固型铅护套reinforced lead sheath

增强型护套reinforced sheathv

剥除(绝缘、护套)、拆卸 remove

铝护套电力电缆 powercable with aluminium sheath

抗压力护套pressure-retaining sheath

护套 protectivejacket

护套、护层protective jackte

护套 protectivesheath

平[光]滑护套 plain sheath

塑料护套 plasticsheath

塑料护套厚度检测装置plastic thickness test unit

塑料[非金属]护套电缆 plastic-sheathed cable

塑料护套软线plastic-sheathed flexible cord

氯丁橡胶护套电缆polychloroprene sheathed cable

聚乙烯护套polyethylene jacket

聚乙烯护套料polyethylene jacking compound8

字形绕包聚乙烯护套polyethylene sheath of figure-8 formation

聚乙烯护套料polyethylene sheating compound

聚乙烯护套电缆polyethylene-jacketed cable

铅-聚乙烯综合护套 polyethylene-protected leadsheath

聚乙烯铝膜粘接护套polyethylene/aluminium bonded laminate sheath

聚乙烯护套电缆polythene jacketed cable

聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套电缆polythene-insulated cable sheathed with PVC

聚氯乙烯绝缘及护套电缆polyvinyl chloride insulated and sheathed cable

聚氯乙烯护套polyvinyl chloride jacket

护套的透潮permeation through jacket

普通塑料护套软线ordinary plastic-sheathed flexible cord

普通聚氯乙烯护套软线ordinary(PVC-)sheathed flexible cord

聚合物外护套 outerpolymeric sheath

外护套 outersheath

外护套 outershell



耐臭氧乙丙橡胶护套ozone-resisting ethylene propylene rubber jacket

包套、外护套 packagesheathing(

油浸)纸绝缘铅护套电缆 paper-insulatedlead-covered cable(

油浸)纸绝缘铅护套电缆 paper-insulatedlead-sheathed cable

纸绝缘金属护套电缆paper-insulated metal-sheathed cable

非金属护套non-metallic sheath

非金属护套电缆non-metallic-sheathed cable

无护套电缆non-sheathed cable

固定布线用无护套电缆non-sheathed cable for fixed wiring

非金属护套nonmetallic covering

尼龙护套电缆 nylonjacketed cable

尼龙护套光纤nylon-jacketed optical fiber

纸绝缘金属护套充油电缆oil-filled paper-insulated metal-sheathed cable

光缆护套挤出生产线optical cable sheathing line

多层护套(北美采用) multilayered jacket

多层护套multilayered sheath

多层护套、层式护套multiple sheath

天然橡胶护套 naturalrubber jacket

金属护套 metalsheath

卷边纵包金属护套布线电缆metal-clad wiring cable

金属护套电缆metal-sheathed cable

铜芯矿物绝缘铜护套电缆mineral-insulated copper-sheathed cable with copper conductor

防潮护套 moisturebarrier jacket

防潮护套 moisturebarrier sheath

氧化镁绝缘金属护套电线magnesia-insulated metal sheathed wire

聚乙烯-铅综合护套层、铅-聚乙烯综合护套 lepeth

铅-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 lepeth cable

铅-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 lepeth-sheath cable

轻型聚氯乙烯护套电缆light PVC-sheathed cable

轻型塑料护套软线 lightplastic-sheathed flexible cord

轻型聚氯乙烯护套软线light(PVC) sheathed flexible cord

浅色护套light-colored jacket

铝-聚乙烯粘接护套 laminatedaluminum-polyethylene sheath

金属护套 metalsheath

卷边纵包金属护套布线电缆metal-clad wiring cable

金属护套电缆metal-sheathed cable

铜芯矿物绝缘铜护套电缆 mineral-insulatedcopper-sheathed cable with copper conductor

防潮护套 moisturebarrier jacket

防潮护套 moisturebarrier sheath

氧化镁绝缘金属护套电线magnesia-insulated metal sheathed wire

聚乙烯-铅综合护套层、铅-聚乙烯综合护套 lepeth

铅-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 lepeth cable

铅-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 lepeth-sheath cable

轻型聚氯乙烯护套电缆light PVC-sheathed cable

轻型塑料护套软线 lightplastic-sheathed flexible cord

轻型聚氯乙烯护套软线light(PVC) sheathed flexible cord

浅色护套light-colored jacket

铝-聚乙烯粘接护套 laminatedaluminum-polyethylene sheath

层式护套、多层护套、薄层粘接护套 laminated sheath(

层状)粘接[结]带、金属-塑料综合护套用复合带 laminated tape

压铅机、电缆铅护套挤压机lead cable-sheathing press

压铅机、铅护套挤压机lead press

铅护套变形 leadsheath strain

铅护套、铅包 leadsheathing

铅合金护套lead-alloy sheath

铅合金护套lead-alloy sheathing

铅合金护套电缆lead-alloy-sheathed cable

铅-聚乙烯综合护套 lead-polyethylenev

挤压[挤包]铅护套、压铅 n

铅(护)套、铅护套 lead-sheath

铅护套挤压机、压铅机lead-sheathing press

内填充(护套)料[混合物] innerfilling compound

内填充护套 innerfilling sheath

内护套(北美采用) inner jacket

层式护套、多层护套、薄层粘接护套 laminated sheath(

层状)粘接[结]带、金属-塑料综合护套用复合带 laminated tape

压铅机、电缆铅护套挤压机lead cable-sheathing press

压铅机、铅护套挤压机lead press

铅护套变形 leadsheath strain

铅护套、铅包 leadsheathing

铅合金护套lead-alloy sheath

铅合金护套lead-alloy sheathing

铅合金护套电缆lead-alloy-sheathed cable

铅-聚乙烯综合护套 lead-polyethylenev

挤压[挤包]铅护套、压铅 n

铅(护)套、铅护套 lead-sheath

铅护套挤压机、压铅机lead-sheathing press

内填充(护套)料[混合物] innerfilling compound

内填充护套 innerfilling sheath

内护套(北美采用) inner jacket

绝缘与护套挤包设备insulating and jacketing plant

绝缘捩护套材料insulating jacketing material

护套(在北美、 sheath

仅指金属包覆层)、护层、外壳 jacket

护套渗漏 jacketleak

护套剥除工具 jacketremoval tool

护套、包护层 jacketing

护套 jacking

护套印字机 jackingmachine

聚氯乙烯绝缘单芯无护套高温电缆 high temperature PVC insulated single-core non-sheathed cable

高折射率护套higher-index jacketing

液压连续式电缆护套挤压机hydraulic continuous cable-sheathing press

无卤素护套材料halogen-free sheathing material

无卤护套halogon-free jacket

耐热护套软电缆heat-resistant sheathed flexible cable

重型丁腈/聚氯乙烯护套 heavy-dutyacrylonitrile-butadiene/polyvinyl chloride(NBR/PVC) jacket

重型氯化聚乙烯护套heavy-duty chlorinated polyethylene(CPE)jacket

通用单芯无护套电缆general purpose single-core nonsheathed cable

通用丁腈/聚氯乙烯护套 general-purposeacrylonitrile-butadiene/polyvinyl chloride(NBR/PVC) jacket

通用氯化聚乙烯护套general-purpose chlorinated polyethylene(CPE) jacket

通用乙丙烯橡皮护套general-purpose ethylene-propylene rubber jacket

聚乙烯-铝带综合护套 glovar sheath

卷边[摺边]铝护套 folded aluminium sheath

卷[摺]边铝护套 folded aluminium shield

铝护套锉削 filingof the aluminium sheath(for jointing)

阻燃护套flame-retardant jacket

超重型黑色氯化聚乙烯护套extra-heavy-duty chlorinated polyethlene jacket

挤制铝护套 extrudedaluminium sheath

挤包内护层、内填充护套extruded inner covering

电缆上挤包护套extrusion of the sheath on to the cable

厚度均匀<绝缘、护套等> equithickness

双护套 doublesheath

双活塞电缆护套挤压机double-acting cable sheathing press

双护套光纤double-jacketed optical fiber

双活塞电缆护套挤压机double-ram cable sheathing press

双护套电缆double-sheathed cable

双护套电缆 dualjacketed cable

双层护套、焊接的皱纹金属管护套 duplex sheath

偏心(率、度)<绝缘、护套> eccentricityv

、 n(

管子或护套的)减径 die-downv(

金属护套的)减径 die down

皱纹铝护套corrugated aluminium sheath

皱纹铝护套电缆corrugated aluminium-sgeathed cable

皱纹铜护套corrugated copper sheath

皱纹无缝护套corrugated seamless sheath

皱纹护套corrugated sheath

皱纹钢护套corrugated steel sheath

皱纹钢护套电缆corrugated steel-sheathed cable

护套的龟裂 crackingof jacket

电缆护套的交叉连接[粘接] cross-bonding of cable sheaths

交联氯化聚乙烯护套crosslinked chlorinated polyethylene jacket

交联氯磺化聚乙烯护套crosslinked chlorosulfonated polyethylene jacketv

剥除(绝缘、护套) cut back

电缆护套损伤[损坏] damage to the cable sheath


连续式电缆护套挤压机continuous cable sheathing press

铜带屏蔽尼龙外护套电缆copper tape screen nylon jacketed cable

铜护套电缆copper-sheathed cable

皱纹护套电缆 cormexcable

电缆护套轧纹 v

轧纹 corrugate

耐寒护套 cold-proof sheath

[saman4213 在 2011-2-28 9:34:27 编辑过]

runyu --- 2011-03-21 21:18:46


taobingfa --- 2012-02-17 23:27:51


richard33 --- 2012-02-29 15:02:25


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