电线电缆网 > 专业英语|国际贸易 > 请帮忙翻译一下,谢谢,(完整版)
请帮忙翻译一下,谢谢, - 无图版
scwangbo --- 2013-10-23 16:50:30
Single phase: twin type, the colour of the XLPE insulation shall be as indicated in the schedule of prices and both laid in parallel and sheathed with Black XLPE overall. The service main cable shall contain an in-built two core non-polarized pilots for relaying information between themeasurement control unit (MCU) and the customer interface unit (CIU) of the prepaid metering system.
The Sheath shall separate the insulated conductors by a minimum thickness of 3.5mm to provide additional Phase to Neutral/Phase Insulation. In addition to this, a grove of width not less than 1mm shall be provided on the sheath between phase and the Neutral/Phase so that both could be separated easily without bearing the Neutral.
scwangbo --- 2013-10-24 14:08:38