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[标准信息] 解读GB20286-2006《公共场所阻燃制品及组件燃烧性能要求和标识》

P:2008-04-03 08:22:28


国家标准GB 20286-2006《公共场所阻燃制品及组件燃烧性能要求和标识》已于2007年3月1日正式实施。对该标准的部分条款进行了解析,并指出了公共场所阻燃制品和组件所面临的机遇和挑战。

A new Chinese national standard GB 20286-2006,namely,requirements and mark on burning behavior of fire retarding products and subassembies in public place,was implemented on March 1,2007.The stricter requirements on burning behavior of fire retardant materials and products in public place have been put forward in this standard,furthermore,the smoke density and the toxicity of burning products have been especially stressed.In this paper,the understanding of this standard was presented and the opportunity and......

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