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[HDMI] 谁有HDMI 1.3C版的规范,与1.3B的版有那些区别
P:2008-09-19 11:36:40
<div>Q. What is the difference between HDMI 1.3 and HDMI 1.3a, or 1.3b?</div>
Forconsumers, there is no difference between HDMI version 1.3 and 1.3a or1.3b. These minor revisions to the specification typically relate tomanufacturing or testing issues and do not impact features orfunctionality. In addition, HDMI Licensing, LLC is actively workingwith manufacturers to reduce confusion for consumers by de-emphasizingversion numbers and focusing instead on product features andfunctionality.
For Adopters, the latest HDMI Specification is v1.3a and the latest HDMI Compliance Test Specification (CTS) is 1.3b1.
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