电线电缆网 > 国外线缆 > UL 62 耐压试验是不是不需要浸水?(完整版)
UL 62 耐压试验是不是不需要浸水? - 无图版
eley --- 2011-11-07 15:12:47
The individual insulated conductors of finished flexible cords and cables shall be capable of withstanding
for 1 min, without breakdown, the application of an alternating (rms) voltage as indicated in Table 46
between each insulated conductor and between the insulated conductors and any other conductive
components and ground, on a specimen at least
conditioned in water for a period of at least 6 h prior to testing. All indoor cords shall be conditioned in air
at room temperature for a period of at least 6 h prior to testing.
For all ²W² Type cords, the dielectric strength test shall be performed in accordance with the test,
Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Method 1, in CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 2556, UL 2556, or NMX-J-293-ANCE.
For all indoor type cords, the dielectric strength test shall be performed in accordance with the test,
Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Method 1, in CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 2556, UL 2556, or NMX-J-293-ANCE
except without immersion in water.(不需要浸水)
各位大虾,UL62 室内电线耐压试验是不是不需要浸水?
[eley 在 2011-11-7 15:15:17 编辑过]
eley --- 2011-11-07 15:15:49
LUORI --- 2011-11-08 08:54:47
For all indoor type cords, the dielectric strength test shall be performed in accordance with the test,
Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Method 1, in CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 2556, UL 2556, or NMX-J-293-ANCE
except without immersion in water.(不需要浸水)
這句話怎麼理解呢?------------除了不需要浸水的外(就是指有屏蔽的吧?),其他的都參考Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Method 1, in CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 2556, UL 2556, or NMX-J-293-ANCE
[LUORI 在 2011-11-8 8:55:38 编辑过]
supercmy --- 2011-11-09 14:16:56
单芯无屏蔽就需要 其他不需要