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huje3096 --- 2010-03-16 13:29:53
电力工程电缆设计规范GB 50217 - 94 1 总则1.0.1 为使电力工程电缆设计做到技术先进、经济合理、安全适用、便于施工和维护,制订本规范。1.0.2 本规范适用于新建、扩建的电力工程中200kV 及以下电力电缆和控制电缆的选择与敷设设计。1.0.3 电力工程的电缆设计,除应遵守本规范外,尚应符合国家现行有关设计规范和标准的规定。 2 术语2.0.1 耐火性(fire resistance):在特定高温、时间的火焰作用下电缆能维持通电运行的特性。2.0.2 难燃性(flame retardance):在特定试验条件的火焰作用使电缆被烧着后撤去火源能迅即自熄的特性。2.0.3 干式交联(dry-type cross-linked):使交联聚乙烯绝缘材料的制造能显著减少水分含量的交联工艺之泛称。2.0.4 水树(water tree):是交联聚乙烯电缆运行中绝缘层发生树枝状微细裂纹现象的略称。它异致绝缘特性变坏,造成电缆故障。2.0.5 金属塑料复合阻水层(metallic-plastic composite water barrier):由铝或铅箔等薄金属层夹于塑料中的复合带沿电缆包围构成的阻水层。2.0.6 热阻(thermal resistance):计算电缆载流量采取热网络分析法、以一维散热过程的热欧姆法则所定义的物理量。2.0.7 回流线(辅助接地线,auxiliary ground wire):配置平行于高压单芯电缆线路、具有两端接地使感应电流形成回路的导线。2.0.8 直埋敷设(direct burying):电缆敷设入地下壕沟中沿沟底和电缆上覆盖有软土层、且设保护板再埋齐地坪的敷设方式。2.0.9 电缆沟(cable trough):封闭式不通行但盖板可开启的电缆构筑物,且布置与地坪相齐或稍有上下。2.0.10 浅槽(channel):容纳电缆数量较少未含支架且沟底可不封实的有盖槽式构筑物,可布置齐地坪或地坪上。2.0.11 隧道(tunnel):容纳电缆数量较多有供安装和巡视方便的通道,且是全封闭性的电缆构筑物。2.0.12 夹层(电缆汇接室,switch cabin):控制室楼层下能容纳众多电缆汇接,便于安装活动的大厅式电缆构筑物。2.0.13 工作井(manhole):人可出入以安置电缆接头等附属部件或供牵拉电缆作业所需的小室式电缆构筑物。2.0.14 电缆构筑物(cable buildings):专供敷设电缆或安置附件的电缆沟、浅槽、隧道、夹层、竖井和工井等构筑物的泛称。2.0.15 挠性固定(slip fixing):使电缆随热胀冷缩可沿固定处轴向角度变化或稍有横移的固定方式。2.0.16 刚性固定(rigid fixing):使电缆不随热胀冷缩发生位移的夹紧固定方式。2.0.17 电缆的蛇形敷设(snaking of cable):按定量参数要求使电缆轴向热机械应力减少呈波浪状的敷设方式。2.0.18 普通支架(臂式支架,cantilever bracket):具有悬臂形式用以支承电缆的刚性材料制支架。2.0.19 电缆桥架(电缆托架,cable tray):由托盘或梯架的直线段、弯通、组件以及托臂(臂式支架)、吊架等构成具有密接支承电缆的刚性结构系统之全称。2.0.20 电缆支架(cable brackets):电缆桥架、普通支架、吊架的总称。2.0.21 阻火包(防火枕,fire protection pillows):是用于阻火封堵又易作业的膨胀式柔性枕袋状耐火物。 National Standard of the People's Republic of China Code for Design of Cables of Electric Work GB 50217 - 94Edited by: Ministry of Electric Power Industry of the People's Republic of ChinaApproved by: Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of ChinaIssued on: July 1, 19951 General Principles1.0.1 This code is established to practice a technically advanced, economically rational, reliable and applicable design of cables of electric work and facilitate construction and maintenance.1.0.2 This Code is applicable to the selections and laying design of 200kV and below 200 kV power cables and control cables used in newly built and expanded electric work. 1.0.3 The cable design for the electric work shall not only abided by this Code, but also comply with the provisions of the current relevant national design codes and standards. 2 Terms2.0.1 Fire ResistanceIt is a characteristic property that the energization and operation of cables can be maintained by the action of flame at a specific elevated temperature for a specific time. 2.02 Flame RetardancyIt is a characteristic property of cables that cable is ignited by the action of the flame under the specific testing conditions and it will extinguish by itself as soon as the flame source is removed. 2.0.3 Dry-type Cross-linkedIt is a general term for the cross-linked process used to reduce remarkably the moisture of cross-linked polyethylene insulation materials during manufacturing.2.0.4 Water TreeIt is a brief term to describe a phenomenon of tree fine cracks in insulation layer of cross-linked polyethylene cables under operation, which results in the deterioration of insulation properties and causes the failure of cables.2.0.5 Metallic-plastic Composite Water BarrierIt is a water barrier that is made up of a composite tape with a thin metallic layer of aluminum or aluminum foil contained in the plastics to wind along the cables.2.0.6 Thermal Resistance It is a physical quantity unit defined by the thermal ohm law for the one-dimensional head dispersion process using the analytic method for thermal network to calculate the current-carrying capacity of cables.2.0.7 Auxiliary Ground WireIt refers to conducting wire laid in parallel with HV single-core cable line and provided with ground wires at both ends to establish a circuit for induced current. 2.0.8 Direct BuryingIt refers to a cable laying method that cables are laid down on the bottom of trenches and covered with soft soil layer and then with protection slabs to level the ground. 2.0.9 Cable TroughIt is a structure for cables that is closed without passage, but is provided with removable covers, and usual it is installed flush with the ground or a bit above or below the ground. 2.0.10 ChannelIt is a trough structure with covers but the bottom may not be blocked to contain small quantity of cables without brackets, which can be arranged flush with the ground or can be placed on ground. 2.0.11 TunnelIt is a fully closed structure for cables, which contains a relatively large quantity of cables and provided with passages for facilitating installation and patrol inspection.2.0.12 Messanine (Cable floor)It is a hall-type structure for cables, which is located below the control room floor and can accommodate many cable junctions and facilitate the installation activities.2.0.13 ManholeCabin-type structure for cables that the people can access to for installing the accessories of cable joints, etc., or for operations of drawing cables.2.0.14 Cable StructuresIt is a general term for the structures of cable troughs, channels, tunnels, switch cabins, shafts, manholes, etc. provided for laying cables or installing accessories. 2.0.15 Slip FixingIt is a fixing way to allow cables to have axial changes in angles along the fixing points caused by expansion and contraction due to temperature change and a slight cross sliding. 2.0.16 Rigid FixingIt is a fixing way to clip cables that will not cause the cables to have a displacement with the expansion caused by heat and contraction by cold. 2.0.17 Snaking of CableIt is a way to lay cables in a shape of waves to reduce the axial mechanical thermal stress according to the requirements of quantitative parameters.2.0.18 Cantilever BracketIt is a bracket made from rigid materials to support cables, which is in a form of cantilever. 2.0.19 Cable TrayIt is a general term for the rigid structure system that consists of the straight sections, bends, assemblies of trays or ladders, and cantilever brackets, hangers, etc. for connecting tightly and supporting cables. 2.0.20 Cable BracketsIt is a general term for cable trays, common supports and hangers.2.0.21 Fire Protection PillowsThey are expansion flexible fire-resistant objects in a shape of pillows, which are used to block or barrier fire
wyjqfjsy --- 2010-03-31 11:43:41
xiadengyun --- 2010-04-14 15:38:54
阿文 --- 2010-04-15 11:25:55
IJXXIADX --- 2010-05-06 13:25:04