电线电缆网 > 专业英语|国际贸易 > CAT6 VS CAT5(完整版)
CAT6 VS CAT5 - 无图版
leecan95 --- 2009-04-18 14:09:06
What does category 6 do for my current network vs. category 5e?
Form : http://www.--chinadropwire.com/ Author: Time:FOSHAN XUNLIAN
Because of its improved transmission performance and superior immunity from external noise, systems operating over category 6 cabling will have fewer errors vs. category 5e for current applications. This means fewer re-transmissions of lost or corrupted data packets under certain conditions, which translates into higher reliability for category 6 networks compared to category 5e networks
panxingkui --- 2009-04-18 15:19:19
qq83084846 --- 2009-06-16 03:09:45
种类 6 为我的现在网络和种类比较 5 e 做什么?
因为外部的噪音的它的改良传输表现和上好的免疫,系统操作在种类 6 打海底电报之上将会为现在的申请有较少的错误和种类比较 5 e 。这意谓比较少的关于-传输失去的或者使数据小包腐烂了在特定的情况,与种类 5 e 网络相较为种类 6个网络转变为较高的可信度