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关于ASSEMBLY的一个问题 - 无图版
wjf5301107 --- 2009-01-21 15:42:44
-568A:the plug pin assignment shall be compatible for correctly mating with the T568A jack
-568B:the plug pin assignment shall be compatible for correctly mating with the T568B jack
-XOVER:the plug pin assignment shall be compatible for correctly mating with A T598A jack one end with A t568B jack the other end.
For T568A & T568B jack designation refer to AS/NZS 3080(ISO 11801)
Tomcat --- 2009-03-21 14:01:08
插头上各个针的连线安排要符合规定, 以正确的插入T586A插座
Xover 是 CrossOver, 就是从一种连接转换去另一种,不知道怎么说。。。anyway:
插头的各个针的连线安排要符合规定, 以使其一端可以正确的插入T586A插座, 另一端插入T586B插座