电线电缆网 > 国外线缆 > 按最新UL规定我的这条线该怎样印字(完整版)

按最新UL规定我的这条线该怎样印字 - 无图版

junxue --- 2007-11-09 11:39:11



E******      SPT-2     18AWG*3C      105  C     VW-1    CSA   LL*****    TYPE   SPT-2    18AWG*3C   105C    FT2


wspjohny --- 2007-11-09 16:31:41


Marshall --- 2007-11-09 16:45:15


(UL) SPT-2 EXXXXXX VW-1 300V 105C 2X18AWG XXXXX CSA SPT-2 LLXXXXXX VW-1 300V 105C 2X0.824mm (18AWG)
WONDERFUL --- 2007-11-10 08:16:06



铭记在心 --- 2007-11-10 11:02:21


technic --- 2007-11-10 11:28:23



junxue --- 2007-11-10 11:41:43


banrenlei --- 2007-11-12 22:40:23


 各位 我是新手 以上LLXXXXXX 是什么意思啊 ??
roger --- 2007-11-13 09:43:36


hebiao --- 2007-11-13 11:00:04


XXZ211 --- 2007-11-13 11:46:21


MartinPeng --- 2007-12-08 09:21:21


(UL) SPT-2 EXXXXXX VW-1 300V 105C 2X18AWG XXXXX CSA SPT-2 LLXXXXXX VW-1 300V 105C 2X0.824mm (18AWG)


chenjunxh --- 2007-12-08 14:34:21


 CSA的要加平方数。UL的最好现在设计印字轮时也加上平方数。到2008年5月全 都要改的
niuhaier --- 2007-12-09 17:22:32


(UL) SPT-2 EXXXXXX VW-1 300V 105C 2X0.824mm2(18AWG) XXXXX CSA SPT-2 LLXXXXXX VW-1 300V 105C 2X0.824mm2 (18AWG)
txy541 --- 2007-12-18 14:26:56






missjimin --- 2007-12-19 13:32:10


47 Surface Marking of AWM
47.1 Surface marking is not required for appliance wiring material.
47.2 When surface marking referencing ²AWM² is used, the marking shall contain the following elements:
a) Wire/cable designation: ²AWM.²
b) Name of the organization responsible for the AWM, trade name, other applicable mark, or
file number. When the organization responsible for the AWM produces AWM in more than one
location, an additional distinctive marking shall be provided that identifies the specific
manufacturing location of the AWM.
Other markings such as wire size, number of conductors, and similar data, are determined to be in
compliance with this requirement when they are not confusing or misleading.
47.3 For a cable that contains a conductive polymeric shield, the jacket or marker tape shall be marked
²Conductive Shield,² ²Contains Polymeric Conductive Shield,² or equivalent.
47.3 revised April 24, 2006
48 Markings on Tag, Reel, or Carton
48.1 Markings on the tag, reel, or carton are required for appliance wiring material (AWM). The markings
shall be present on the smallest shipping unit of AWM. For AWM that is respooled from a single reel or
spool to several smaller reels or spools, the tag information shall be duplicated and accompany the
respooled wires on the smallest shipping unit.
48.2 Markings on the tag, reel, or carton shall contain the following elements:
a) Wire/cable designation: ²AWM.²

b) Statement that describes the intended use of the AWM [location of the wire (internal or
external), the equipment in which the wire is intended to be used, and conditions to which the
wire is exposed (i.e. gasoline, oil, gas vapor)], the temperature rating, and the minimum voltage
rating of any insulated conductor used in the cable.

c) Name of the organization responsible for the AWM, trade name, other applicable mark or file
number. When the organization responsible for the AWM produces AWM in more than one
location, an additional distinctive marking shall be provided that identifies the specific
manufacturing location of the AWM.
d) Size and quantity of conductors. The quantity and 2AWG2 or metric size in mm2 of the
conductors in a wire or cable shall be provided. Single conductor cables do not require the
quantity of conductors. For a cable containing a mixture of sizes of individual or paired
conductors, the size and quantity of each size conductor shall be provided (Example: 2/18 AWG
and 4/24 AWG).
e) Conductor material.
Exception: Conductor material marking is not required for unalloyed copper.
f) The conductivity of the conductor in percent of unalloyed copper. Reference IACS
(International Annealed Copper Standard).
Exception: Not applicable for unalloyed copper or 61 percent IACS aluminum.
g) Insulation and jacket material and average wall thickness (example: Insulation SRPVC 0.009
inch; Jacket: PVC 0.030 inch). If more than one jacket is required, all materials and thicknesses
shall be marked.
h) Date of manufacture by month and year. As an option, the date code may be printed on the
i) For a cable that contains one or more optical fibers, the following statement or equivalent:
2Optical-fiber portion(s) of cable are for installation as described in Article 770 and other
applicable parts of the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70. Where optical fiber is installed in a
laser system, the system shall comply with the LIA/ANSI Z136 laser system safety standards.2
j) For a cable that contains one or more optical fiber members, or group of such members,
having a metal or other electrically conductive part, the following statement or equivalent:
2Optical-fiber portion(s) of cable contain non-current-carrying metal or other electrically
conductive parts.2
k) For a cable that contains a conductive polymeric shield, the following wording or equivalent
shall be included on the tag: 2Conductive shield2 or 2Contains Polymeric Conductive Shield.2
In addition to the markings noted above, a cable that contains other markings complies with the intent of
this requirement as long as they are not confusing or misleading.

49 Multiple Markings
49.1 In addition to complying with the requirements for one of the cable types in these requirements, a
cable may comply with the requirements for one or more of the following:
a) One or more of the types described in the National Electrical Code (NEC) (example: Type
CM communications cable, Type SJT flexible cord, Type MTW machine tool wire).
b) One or more of the Canadian wire types (example: Type TR-64 radio lead wire, Type TEW
equipment wire, etc.) for Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) types.
c) One or more of the European wire types (example: HO5VV-F cord).
d) One or more of the Military Specification (Mil Spec) wire designations (example: RG-59/U
coaxial cable).
49.2 A cable that complies with the multiple requirements as specified in 49.1 may be constructed so the
identifiers for the additional wire types, as well as the voltage, temperature, and other required associated
designations, are marked on the surface and tag, reel, or carton of the product. The sequence of the
markings is not specified; however, each rating and associated designation:
a) Shall be clearly tied to the specific cable type to which it applies.
b) Shall be clearly separated from all of the other cables types and varieties indicated.
49.3 On a cable surface marking, the types and varieties and their associated designations shall be
separated from one another by the word ²or,² a long dash, or a minimum 1/4 inch wide space.
49.4 On a cable tag, reel, or carton marking, types and varieties and their associated designations shall
be separated from one another by being placed in separate statements. Each statement shall end in a
period and shall appear together with its applicable designations.

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