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USB 3.0 10Gbs 标准即将出来 - 无图版

flf9835 --- 2013-01-16 09:49:30


10 Gbps SuperSpeed USB Industry Review and Comment Period

The 10Gbps SuperSpeed USB specification addendum will define a 10Gbps SuperSpeed USB speed mode that extends the existing SuperSpeed mechanical, electrical, protocol and hub definition to deliver more than double the data through-put over 5Gbps SuperSpeed USB.  

10 Gbps 超高速USB规格的副档将会定义10Gbps超高速USB速度模式,扩展现有高速机械,电气,协议和Hub传输模式,达到目前5GP高速USB数据传输速度的两倍。

Important:  In order to participate in the review of this draft specification update, the USB 3.0 Contributors Agreement must be executed by an authorized representative of your company and on file with the USB 3.0 Promoter Group. To either confirm or request instructions for processing this agreement please contact admin@usb.org and reference your interest in participating in the 10Gbps SuperSpeed USB industry review. 

重要: 为了参与审核草案规格的更新,USB3.0Contributors Agreement 必须由贵司授权的代表参加,并在USB3.0发展组织存档。为了确认或要求加入这个会议说明,请联系admin@usb.org,表明你兴趣参加10Gbps USB行业审核。

The 45-day review period starts February 7, 2013 and ends March 26, 2013 (subject to change). Copies of the 0.7 draft of the 10Gbps SuperSpeed USB specification update, along with a review instructions and comment form, will be directly emailed upon request to review participants whose company has executed the prerequisite Contributor Agreements. Arrange to get your copy by sending a request titled “10Gbps Spec Request” to 10Gbps-request@usb.org. 

45天的审查期从201327号开始, 326号结束(可能有变更)。 副本0.7草案的10Gbps USB 规范更新,以及审查说明和意见表,将根据公司的参与者要求通过邮箱直接发送。要得到你的副本需发送以10Gbps Spec Request为抬头的邮件至10Gbps-request@usb.org

10Gbps SuperSpeed USB Industry Review Conference  10Gbps USB 工业复审会议 

What: The 10Gbps SuperSpeed USB Industry Review Conference is an opportunity to review the specification in a face-to-face setting 10Gbps USB 工业复审会议是提供一个面对面复审行业规范的机会

When: The conference will be held February 7,   时间:  201327号举行 

Where: Intel Corporation – Jones Farm Conference Center Auditorium   地址:intel公司

            2111 NE 25th Ave.

            Hillsboro, Oregon  97124


Cost:  US$125 per attendee  费用:USD125每人 

Registration: To register for the seminar, please fill out the registration form available here: Registration Form. Note that registrations for this event will not be confirmed and attendees from your company will not be permitted to attend unless a properly executed set of agreements are received by the Promoter Group in advance of the event. 

登记:注册此研讨会,请通过Registration Form下载填完表格。注意这个会议注册将不会得到确认,贵司的参会者将不会允许出席,除非得到来自组委会的授权协议。

Registration will close on Friday, February 1st. All attendees MUST be pre-registered as on-site registration will not be available.  注册时间将在21号结束,所有参会者题在这之前注册。 

For more information, visit http://www.--usb.org/developers/USB-Futures.pdf. 更多详情请访问此网站。


Please forward this message to the appropriate individuals within your company.请将此信息转给部门的相关人员。


cuijiude --- 2013-01-16 14:53:20




810707 --- 2013-01-16 14:59:32


hhg07221 --- 2013-01-16 15:40:20


10G能做的 也没几家了
ldf328 --- 2013-08-03 13:20:39


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